end of an era

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chapter 26 | end of an era

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chapter 26 | end of an era


(might change the pov sometimes just for writing practice, also, if some of you wanted the reader to keep her eye don't be mad- just keep reading)

"AAAAHHHH!" (Y/N) cried out in pain as the blade connected to the inside of her left eye. In an instant, she moved her hands over her eye. "DAMN IT!"

Izuku, Iida and Todoroki looked over in shock, "(F/N)!" Izuku rushes over to the injured girl. Trying to reach out to her, she jerks herself away from the worried boy. "TAKE HIM DOWN!" She commands while still holding onto the eye.

Todoroki shoots ice in the air, Iida kicks up and sends a kick straight towards him. Izuku punches him in the jaw, though his arm seems to have finally reached it's limit.

Todoroki sends a wave of fire at him, burning him, making him fall onto the small glacier of ice. The four of you pant, finally finishing him. (Y/N) wraps her palm around the knife's handle. 'Should I try and pull it out?!'

Todoroki rushes over and moves the girl's hand away from the handle a bit too fast, causing her to wince. "Sorry," He says before picking her up bridal style. "Let's go."

Izuku gets picked up by the pro while Iida struggles to walk himself. Once out the alleyway Izuku see's his pro hero. (Y/N) gulps, realizing she'll have to deal with Triton.

"Gran Torino!" The old man kicks Izuku in the face, "I thought I told you to stay seated on the bullet train!" Gran Torino looks over at you, "Endeavor thought you'd be here."

More pro hero's show up and gasp in shock, "Is that..the hero killer?"


"Call the police!"

"(Y/N)!" Somebody calls out to her. She tries her best to see but her vision is pretty blurry. The figure grows closer and she pales, "T-Triton."

He marches up to the group looking at stain. "I thought I told you to stay back! You're going to be in so much-"

He finally looks over at his student, eyes widened his slowly finishes his sentence, "..trouble."

"Get down!" Izuku's teacher shouts, though it's too late as a flying monster grabs Izuku. "Izuku!" She had barely seen anything, only the hero killer saving her friend. 'He saved him?'

The hero killer begins to speak but you can't hear. (Y/N) begin to slowly pass out, her vision going dark as she struggles to move.


Beep Beep Beep

The monitor in the hospital keeps ringing, causing (Y/N) to scratch her neck in irritation. She moves her hands and slowly touches the eye patch on her left eye. Unable to see through that one eye makes her frown deeper.

"It's a miracle we're alive.." Izuku sighs, the one-eye girl nods her head in agreement. Suddenly, the door slides open and the pro's walk in.

"Oh, are you wounded kids awake?" Gran Torino says glaring at Izuku. (Y/N) takes notice that Triton and Manual are also here."

"Gran Torino!" Izuku smiles showing his white ass teeth.


(Y/N) covers the only working eye and avoids her gaze from her mentor. "Triton.." She gulps as he walks over to her. Finally being able to look at him she glances at his worried face. "Why didn't you just listen.." He whimpers, causing the girl to flinch in surprise. "I'm sorry, I know it wasn't right of me to leave but I couldn't just stand by while all my friends got hurt! I love my friends too much to let them go through something like this alone!"

Izuku, Todoroki and Iida look over at their friend, smiling slightly. "Thank you, (F/N)." Izuku flashes her his signature smile. Todoroki nods while Iida frowns. "I'm sorry to have dragged you in my problems, but, thank you for being there for me. I appreciate it."

Said girl nods, while Gran Torino speaks up. "Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you." He glares in Izuku's direction. "O-Oh s-s-sorr-"

The old man cuts off his half ass apology, "But before that, you've got a visitor."

(Y/N) turns her direction to the door as a dog in a suit walks in. '..Cute.'

"Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae."

The four kids struggle to stand up, getting ready to bow but he stops them. "No need for that, woof." He says, causing (Y/N) to plop down back onto the couch.

"You must be the U.A students that brought down the hero killer, right?"

The four U.A kids nod. "Regarding the hero killer we arrested..he had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof. Since you're U.A students I'm sure you're aware that with superpowers still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure quirks were not used as weapons. And then, the profession of "hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof."

(Y/N) and the others kept quiet.

"For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others- actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce- to be accepted officially. Even up against the hero killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injuries using their quirks without specific instructions from their guardians or supervisors. The four of you and your pro's must receive strict punishment."


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