10 PM

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chapter 28 | 10 PM

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chapter 28 | 10 PM


(Y/N) hugged her knees while sitting next to the trash can. 'I can't believe I just showed everyone my patch like that!' She thought while frowning.

She stood up and walked to the restroom. Walking over to the mirrors, she moved her bangs out of her face and stared at herself.

She slowly removed her eye patch and cringed. 'Disgusting.' She thought, gripping onto the sides of the sink for support. 'A homie really out here wishing they had their eye back.'

It's only been a couple of days and (Y/N) couldn't deal living with one eye. It was driving her crazy. She'd always imagine that having a missing eye would be cool, her imagination was mistaken.

She slid on the eyepatch and walked back out the restroom. Though you could see the strap, it didn't matter anymore. Not like it did to begin with.

The bell rang, signaling it was time for class. She didn't even get the chance to eat. "(Y/N)."

The said girl looked up to see Monoma. "What?" She asked, waiting for him to speak up.

"What happened?" He asked, (Y/N) could see the sadness in his face. "We fought the hero killer, I protected my friends and I payed the price." She answered. "Sorry, but I gotta get to my class."


When (Y/N) walked into class, everyone had glanced at her before looking away- not wanting to anger her. She went into her perspective seat behind Momo and sighed. Taking out her books, she began to listen to her teacher.

After a good three hours it was finally time to go home, and (Y/N) wanted nothing more than to go to bed.

Grabbing her bag, she walked out of her home room and down the hall. A few students from different classes and years waved to her. She stopped once she saw Tsuyu looking out the door.

She stood next to her froggy friend and watched the rain. "You ok, Tsu?" She asked, grabbing her Hello Kitty printed umbrella from the rack.

(Y/N) really needed a new umbrella. The one she currently had was ten years old and she could barely even fit herself under it.

"I'm alright, kero. Just looking at the rain."
She grabbed her own umbrella and glanced at (Y/N).

"Are you okay? Today must have been hectic for you.."

This made Aquarius sigh. "Yeah..I just- I wanna go home." She quickly replied before walking out the school.

She opened the Hello Kitty umbrella and walked away from her friend. Tsuyu put a finger to her lip and frowned.

"Please feel better, (L/N)."


(Y/N) successfully made it home without getting wet. She locked her door and threw her umbrella in the racks. "I'm home." She murmured, dragging herself up stairs.

(Y/N) took off her school clothes and threw on some home clothes. Jumping into bed, she tried to close her eyes and fall asleep but she couldn't.

Suddenly, her phone began to ring. Quickly, she got up and grabbed her phone. Reading the contact it said,

'Papa Triton 🍑🔱😳'

She accepted the call and hesitantly spoke up. "Hello?"

Triton coughed, "Meet me at my headquarters around 10 PM. Sneak out if you have to." With that the call ended.

(Y/N) looked at the time on her phone, it was currently 5 PM. She knew her mother wouldn't let her out this late so she had to do what Triton suggested.

"I'm sneaking out this bitch tonight."


I know I said i'd update after exams but this is just something quick. Get ready for the next chapter yours wigs are gonna fly periodt.

anyways look at this beautiful fanart i got omg my UWUs Thank you guys so much !!! (If you wanna send fanart my instagram is pastel.kats or just post it on one of your books hehe)



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