do the d.a.n.c.e

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chapter 22 | do the d

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chapter 22 | do the d.a.n.c.e


After presenting your hero name, Aizawa began to discuss the hero internships.

You looked down on your paper and saw only around 100 requests for you to come to different agencies. You slumped your head down, sighing.

'If Todoroki wouldn't have just trapped me like that, then maybe I would have gotten the amount of requests he and Bakugou got..'

"You barley got and pro hero's to scout you, how?!" You look up from your paper and see Mineta leaning on your desk. Oh yeah, he sits in front of you.

"To be honest chief, I don't know. Maybe when I fought Tododoki it was showing how weak I really was." You scratch your neck awkwardly. Due to Mineta's outburst your friends looked over to you.

Aizawa activates his quirk making everyone close their mouths. "You have till the end of the week to send in your forms."

"Anyone chose who they're going for?" Mina lazily asks.

"Mt Lady!" Mineta speaks up. "Of course.." You add sarcastically.

You ignore your friends as you carefully read your sheet. 'I would have gotten more if I wasn't such a failure.' You flip the paper to the other side and carefully read each hero description.

'The Aquatic Hero: Triton'

You decide you'll look him up when you get home. Packing your things, you get up and walk to the door. You usually walk with Izuku but today you decided to walk alone. And besides, you forgot your skateboard here last week when you and Kaminari decided to see who can skate to the arcade faster and back to the school.

Being the first one after Iida to leave, you went over to the bike racks. You pick up your maroon and black skateboard and skate off.

"Skrt Skrt."

'Hot voice alert!!' You instantly stop your skateboard and fly off into the bushes. "Crap! I didn't mean to make you fly off.." You can feel somebody wrap their arms under your chest, pulling you up.

Your face heats up, ready to yell at the culprit but stop when you see Shinso.
"S-Shinso!!" You squeal.

Your face looks like a crime scene with a shit ton of blood. "H-Hi!" You chuckle picking up your board.

He crosses his arms, "Should have gotten a hover board."

You giggle as the two of you walk out the gate. "You right, but I wasted the last of my birthday money on this shitty lightsaber that broke the next day."

You and him continue walking, you don't even know where you're going until you stop in front of the arcade. "Wanna go in?" You suggest.

He nods, the two of you go in and buy tokens. 'I can do research later. This is way more important.' You think while cheekily grinning at the emo boy.

You and him play different types of games, like Mario Kart and shooting games. Until you stop in front of the dance dance revolution game. "Wanna go?" You smirk.

He smirks back amusingly. "Nah, my legs hurt."

You scoff, "Pussy. What, you scared? Gonna pee your pants? Cry maybe?"

He groans, "Fine, I'll play. But you buy the next round of apple juice."


(i forgot how the machine works lmao bare with me)

You and Shinso throw your stuff next to the machine and insert a coin each. The game loads up while selecting your song. "Is there any epic songs we can use?" He asks while browsing. You point to the screen, "Look, use your own song option."

You look over to your friend before hooking up your phone to the machine. The screen fades to black before the arrows appear.

"So why do good girls like bad guys?
I had this question for a long time.
I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see,
So why do good girls fall in love with me?"

Shinso slaps his forehead before slowly dancing. You, on the other hand laugh happily while dancing. "WOAHHH WOAH WOAHHH!!!" You jump around with the arrows, gaining the attention of others who begin to surround you. Shinso panics and hops off, not wanting to be seen by kids from school. You keep dancing, unaware of the people watching in amusement. You continue to dance while Shinso watches. He's only known you for like a week and he's already begging to warm up to you.

The song ends and you run off the machine, panting heavily. "Let's..go..get juice.." You spit out while grabbing your things and walking off to the food counter with Shinso.

After buying apple juice you exit the arcade. "Well, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" You say. Shinso nods, about to leave you grab his hand.

"Gimmie your number!" You whip out your phone and open a new contact.

He does the same and you swap phones. You punch in the digits while saving it under 'dancing queen😎💙'

You give him back his phone, he chuckles before shoving it away and typing in his own name. "Here."

He hands it back and you see he saves it as, 'emo'

You smile before putting your phone away, "Then, I'll see you tomorrow." You send him a dreamy smile, "Right, bye, (L/N)."

You head opposite ways, smilingly happily you finally accomplish becoming Shinso's friend. 'Now he doesn't have to be alone anymore!'

As you walk alone in the dark night, a pair of eyes follow your movements. Chuckling darkly, the figure follows slowly behind you.

Mother always said not to walk home alone at night, but you didn't listen this time.

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