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chapter 24 | swing

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chapter 24 | swing


Class 1A huddled around at the train station, ready to head off for internship training. For the week the soon to be heroes will be learning with pro hero's.

"Remember to behave and don't cause any trouble for the Pro's." Aizawa crossed his arms while sending a glare to you and Kaminari.

"YEET!" You scream, throwing your stuff into the train that had pulled up. "Bye Mr. Aizawa!!"

He let out a huff of annoyance before waving quickly, making sure nobody saw him he shoved his hand back into his pocket.

The class entered the train, you and Sero began to grip onto those things you hold on the train to keep balance. Lifting yourselves up you began to swing. Suddenly, you had a great idea.

"Yaomomo, please make us a swing!!" You let go of the handles and ran over to her.

"What are you going to use it for?" She cautiously asked. "I just need it, please!" You got on your knees and grabbed her hands, giving her your best puppy eyes. "Please babe??"

Her cheeks heated up before she unbuttoned her shirt, creating a swing. "Thank you, I love you so much!" You hugged her before grabbing the swing and ran off to Sero.

Momo began to fangirl at your words. But some of the class weren't so happy with what you had said.

"Sero use your tape to some how hold it." You commanded. He nodded, grabbed one end of the rope and pressed it against the top of the train. He wrapped it around with a thick coat of tape. He did the same to the other side, tugging it- making sure it wouldn't snap off. You sat on the swing and kicked your feet. "OH MY GOD IT ACTUALLY WORKS!"

If anyone were to walk in, they would see a bubbly girl swinging on a swing. In a train. This, is class 1-A

Your classmates begin to look over at you in amusement. "This is so funny oh my god." Kirishima laughed while recording you.

"Tokoyami, push me!!" You screamed. At first he groaned, getting up from his seat and began to push you. "Faster!" You laughed while he shrugged his shoulders, doing what you asked.


Suddenly the tape that once belonged to Sero's elbows ripped off from the ceiling, making the swing crash down mid air. You nearly fell off of it wasn't for Shoji catching you.

"Are you okay, (L/N)?" Ojiro chuckled as he walked over to you. Shoji set you down and you nodded, "Anyone record that?"

Kirishima nodded, playing the video for you.

"Send that to me."


Most of your classmates had already got off, just one more stop until you and the rest of your class were to leave. "Oh shit, here we go again." You exclaimed before gangster walking off the train.

You, Tokoyami, Shoji, Kirishima and Ojiro walk down the street. "So, are y'all ready for this, gamers?" You ask the four boys.

"Kinda, I really hope the training I do here will pay off." Kirishima smiled.

"I agree." Tokoyami added.

Shoji simply nodded, while Ojiro spoke up. "I'm ready, what about you, (L/N)?"

You sighed, "I think? I don't know. I hope this guy isn't a pain in the ass."

You looked up and saw the sign, this was your stop. "Well, I guess I'll see you guys later. Good luck!" You said before throwing yourself into the building.

You made your way to the front desk. Looking around, there were many hero's walking around. You reached the desk and peeked over it, seeing a lady typing away on her computer. You stood there for a second, she still hasn't noticed you.

You let out a cough but nothing. You looked on her desk and saw a bell. You slammed your fist on it repeatedly, the ringing sound finally got the lady's attention.


You stopped and looked down at her. "Uh, I'm here to see...Triton? I'm here from U.A."

She typed on her computer before standing up. "Follow me."


"He's in here." Was all she said before walking off. You rolled your eyes and knocked on the door. A gruff, 'Come in!' can be heard. You open the door and step inside.

"Uh, hey." You awkwardly waved. The pro hero stood up and made his way over to you. "You're Aquarius?" He asked.

You gave him a quick nod, shyly moving your hands behind you. He glanced down at you before asking,

"Why do you want to become a hero?"

This question was asked quite a lot, you never got nervous answering this, but, hearing it from a pro sent shivers down your spine.

"Uh..well, I want to help people, I guess..?"

He raised one brow higher than the other, "Huh? Give me a good answer."

'He seemed nicer in the interviews..'

You carefully chose your words before speaking up, "I want to be able to protect the people I love. I didn't care much about hero's until my dad became a villain, so if I have the chance to stop him and protect my family, I'll do everything in my power to stop him."

Triton kept quiet before talking again, "Well then, let's get to work."

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