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chapter 43 | stolen

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chapter 43 | stolen


"Midoryia, Todoroki, we're done! He gave away his best trick, I'm not sure what your quirk is, but it had to do with those little marbles, right? The ones you stashed in your pocket..." Shoji shoes the villains the three marbles in his hands. "Tokoyami, Bakugou and (L/N)."

"You rescued them..!" Izuku shakily smiles, relief washes over his system.

"Hahaha, well color me impressed. Just as I'd expect from someone with so many hands."

The three boys take this chance to run off, stopping due to a nomu walking out of the forest. "A nomu!" Izuku stops.

"This way!" Todoroki guides them to the other side but the misty villain stops them.

"Not this guy!" -Shoji
"He was at the USJ!" -Todoroki
"The warp villain...!" -Izuku

"It's been five minutes since the signal, let's go, Dabi." He says while opening three portals. Toga and Twice jump into their own portals but Dabi doesn't move.

"Stop, I'm not leaving without those kids!"

Mr. Compress stops and looks over to Dabi. "Don't worry, they were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pocket I though I'd let them gloat."

This makes the three snap their heads towards the villains in shock. "Let me explain something about magic, If I'm flaunting something shiny, it means I don't want you to see something that I'm hiding." He slips off his mask and sticks his tongue out, showing you, Bakugou and Tokoyami.

The boys run to catch to Mr.Compress before he could enter the portal, but, him being the idiot he is and having his 'villain moment', He gets shot in the face by a laser. "Aoyama?!"

He spits out the three compressed balls, Shoji and Todoroki run to catch them, Izuku falling behind. Shoji manages to catch two while Dabi grabs the last one before Todoroki can reach it.

"Well isn't that a tragedy...poor little Shoto Todoroki.."

Dabi and Mr.Compress get ready to leave, "Confirm it now, release them." Dabi says. Mr.Compress snaps his fingers and out comes Tokoyami and Bakugou.

"We only really needed the girl, let's go now." Out you come of the compressed marble and you look around shocked. Dabi grabs you by the neck and you pale.

"Let me go, Dabi." Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. "Mom's spaghetti-" You manage to blurt out before you slowly begin to get dragged into the portal. "Check mate." Dabi smirks.

"(Y/N), NOOO!" Izuku desperately try's to reach you but it's no use. "Stay there...Izuku.." Is the last thing you can say before you teleport away.

Izuku falls face into the ground where you once stood, gazing into the blue fire that coated the sky. Nobody says anything as they just stare.

[ cue izuku's loud ass sad screaming ]

On that fateful day, we were aiming to be heroes. But we failed, and the villains won.


The next day, the press swarmed the entrance of U.A high.

"Why won't you open the gates?!"
"Has anyone been in contact with the families of the children you've aloud to been injured?"
"Open the gates!!"

Inside of U.A, it was dark and no students were around. A conference with the teachers were in progress and Nezu looked stressed.

"The training camp was to prepare students for villain attacks. The irony is shameful. We knew the league would resurface, but we lacked a fundamental understanding of their plans. They planned to destroy hero society, and they've already started their war." Nezu says.

Midnight chimes in, "Even if we could have understood, could we had avoided this attack? Their moving pieces we didn't even know they processed. Besides, All Might put an end to most organized crimes, we're all rusty."

Present Mic joins in, "I guess deep down we thought we'd be riding the sweet life for good."

All Might rubs his temples, with a distressed look on his face. "I will never forgive myself for my cowardly ignorance..while our students were fighting for their lives I have was a relaxing soak in the bath.."

"We shouldn't have had the sports festival right after the USJ attack, we wanted to show we were still strong. To have one of our students kidnapped is our biggest failure as teachers. They've taken away (L/N) and society's fate in us." Snipe says.

"I agree, every news outlet is condemning U.A high. If (L/N) was one of the main targets it's likely because the villains noticed her quirk usage during the sports festival. What else could it be? If she ends up joining the side of the villains it could be the end of U.A as a school."

Present Mic looks down at the table, "Since were on the topic of trust there has to be something said now, at this point we can't deny it, can we? There's a this school."

Midnight and All Might let out a gasp, waiting for him to continue. "Only the teachers and the pussy cats knew were the training camp would be." He stands up and throws his fists on the table. "Don't you think that's a little suspicious? I guess a kid could have use their phone to message a villain but-"

Midnight cuts him off, "Stop this Mic!"

"What's the problem?!" He throws his arms up, "We have to find out who the leak is!"

Sniper looks over to him, "Could be you for all we know. Got any proof to prove your innocence?" This makes Mic sit down like a child, "If we start pointing fingers we won't get anything done." Snipe ends him.

Nezu speaks up gaining the attention of the teachers. "At the very least, I trust everyone at this table. But there's no way for me to prove that I am innocent. As a school we need to focus on protecting our students. This is a good place to implement something I've want to say for awhile, you see I-"

Nezu gets cut off by, "A pHoNe CaLl iS hErE, a PhOnE cAlL iS-"

All Might stands and stops the ringtone, "Excuse me everyone I have to take this."

"We're in a least set it to vibrate!" -Present Mic
"He's his own ringtone?" -Midnight


"I'm so great full to the media for giving us free publicity. Right, isn't it nice, (Y/N)?" Tomura turns to you

"...I guess, I hope they plug my IG."

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