49. Caligo

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Caligo (/ca·lì·go/) darkness, fog, mist, vapor, gloom. Inability to perceive mentally.

"Despite our various attempts you, a mere human had been invading and distrupting our privacy

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"Despite our various attempts you, a mere human had been invading and distrupting our privacy. Be it as our disguise of a deer, swans and now the mere butterfly, oh mortal woman, you have been an obstacle in my most ardent wish. How dare you touch us? You by shall not be spared for you had interrupted in my desire to obtain a child - to mother a baby. Therehence, I Rati, goddess of lust, love, desire and sexual pleasure curse you that you will never be able to hold a child in your womb. You shall remain as a childless for your whole life as the wife of Panduputra Arjun. And this curse shall last till the end of this era"

PARTHJAYA SPRANG FROM THE IVORY SILK SHEETS, abruptly with a muted scream, covered till her waist from a maroon velvet duvet in the their new marital chamber, she scrambled the yarns of fabric in her fist amplifying the fine designs of henna on the back of her hand. The incandescent illumination around the chamber was of morning sun basking it in a balm, which was breathing in the sprains of last night.

The wheat like golden skin was abode to goosebumps, her shining forehead was swarmed in droplets of sweating and her kohl smudged eyes were in a burning outburst of tears. "It is just a dream!" she mumbled continuously. Unfortunately it was a nightmare. For she smelt of those wildflowers and a humid bouquet of that specific lake's air trapped in her pores. A mountain was crushing her petite self and she was sinking in a deadly deep ocean. The flashes of the serene night were behind her sombre eyes and in each moment her breathing ceased as she relived those rhapsodic memories turning into a hollow abyss of pitch darkness.

"Oh my! I shall walk barefoot to your temple Mahadev. Thank you so much. You have been merciful"

The fair handmaid, her confidant and friend rushed to her immediately as she thanked the gods above, at long last the pristine, a day old and a new bride, the crown princess who was unconscious and cold from last night had woke up now. Although she had been embracing her and caressing her from the past few minutes, but the girl from kaliyug was rooted to her solitude of zemblanity. Hence now her friend's grateful words did bring her to reality but served no major panacea for the cure.

She was eerily silent and void as she was unblinkingly staring like a hawk at elsewhere and was imitating stone sculpture who couldn't narrate their tragic story but stand for serene and aesthetic pleasure of spectators for despite her doleful state she was an undying beauty, blessed to stay a maiden forever.

"Please say, in the name of Narayan, say som-something. Parthjaya?" her handmaid jerked her and patted her cheeks but all in vain, for the wife of Arjun just muttered, It is just a dream.

Brusquely removing the duvet from her legs, she realized that she was still in the same maroon lehenga from the last day. Hence it was not something she kept chanting like a hymn, it was stab of knife to her. She smeared her face wiping them off the tears and got up from the bed stumbling over in her paces leading to the fall of a copper vase for interior emphasizing which she used for her support this day.

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