35. Soulrocker

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Soulrocker. /sol-rak-ër/ who lives from heart, has compassion for all and tenacious enthusiasm for music, life and planet.

BENEATH THE AZURE SKY with velvety clouds, the threshold of luciform and pulchritudinous city, Indraprastha eagerly waited for that, girl who became their indelible halycon.

Yudhishthir was sure he won't leave the gates this time no matter what mystic Krishna follows. Draupadi stood holding Subhadra's hand, they became sisters who waited for their third one. Nakul and Sahdev were keen to learn her side of the story and Bheem, he was swamped in cheshire grin. The Scions of Pandavas were pleased as punch at the arrival of their favourite.

It has been four months, of some outlandish and unconventional mischief the ivory and cerulean palace has witnessed. No one mixed those apple, plum and orange juices together to name it as mocktail. No one pestered Draupadi to sit down and eat along Pandavas. No one told the kids stories about iron birds who flew in the sky without flapping there wings. No one told them about some weird apparatuses. No one sang some entirely queer raginis.

"They're here!" Suthanu pointed her finger as all of them raised their gazes towards the sinuously carved albino chariot of Dwarkadheesh pulled by two brawny white horses. She was still the same, all these months, after all she's blessed to stay a maiden forever.

The cease of chariot wheels was also the cease of their awaiting. She then descended from the chariot. The cyan hued lehenga wasn't embroidered​ but basic and pastel cladding her wheat  complexioned body. As her delicate feet wrapped in the golden slippers strike the travertine pathway, her graceful walk towards them only resounded the air with the jingling of her anklets. The misty eyes of hers reflected her menage standing before as her lips curled in a smile.

I wanted to just feel the atpricity of their love, at the drop of hat!

She was conquered by those dainty arms of flowers who clamored her with questions and wishes. She knelt embracing these soldiers in swathes of love. "I missed you all so much!" squealing, she planted a quick kiss on Shrutsen's cheek.

The girl from far away land stood up moving ahead glancing each of their faces which felt like ages. She touched the eldest Pandava's feet and folded her hands who patted her head. "I didn't know only a letter would be capable to bring you home!" he said with a smile as she moved before  Bheem with a dubiety. "Vasudev, didn't inform you of the official epistle from the king?" with fake glares that melted in his echoing laughter he then added, "I missed you!" motioning her head to and fro, like always. She nodded realizing the truth in relief.

So, Jyesth and Bheem are talking about the official epistle and not his love parchment! Thank God!

"You must know that I had a real hard time calming down your Purple in the absence!" Nakul mocked as Sahdev joined him, "Indeed, Nakul had to swish around like you, to camouflage your presence!" She gave out a watery chuckle curling her tiny arms around them who returned her a warm hug. "Didn't miss your best friend I should suppose?" Draupadi's face had a josh grin as she rushed into her arms now crushing her tightly "Oh! dear Drau! I missed you so much!" Subhadra's petite arms tried to wrap themselves around both of them and the love of motherly queen pulled her in too.

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