1. God's Plan

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God's Plan or, the Will of God.
A doctrine that all events have been willed by God.

I TURNED OFF THE TELEVISION. After watching Mahabharata for God knows how many times it still feels something is incomplete.

Mahabharata has been an obsession; my happy place!

I've always been a fan of mythology and spiritual shows, maybe graduation in literature or because of my maternal grandfather who asked me to watch them ever since I was a six year old. I'm glad he did.

Being attracted to mythology, Mahabharata, I've always had a fantasy to live in the divine era. The epic is an amalgamation of every aspect, concept and instance happening today in 21st century, Kaliyug. My daydreams and musings were always occupied of how their life would have been, how they slept, what they ate, how they traveled, were so pious and courageous. If I will ever find a time machine I'll take no time to travel back to these eras of satyug, dwaparyug. It is true that we accept basics and clichés when it comes to something we love. And that's what it is with me. Mythology is so enigmatic.

"Di, you want pancakes I'm cooking some for my myself?" I heard my younger sister from the kitchen. "No, you have. I'm full!"

Despite having Al-Arabiatta pasta for dinner, my younger sister, nothing can keep her apart from her pancakes. A match made in heaven. And it was this night, that changed the course of my life.


A WARM SUMMER NIGHT. Very warm and hot. The sudden intervention, woke me up. I felt a bit uneasy. spherical wall clock. It was 4 am in the morning, in that spherical wall clock dawn might break anytime soon.

My sister was sleeping peacefully beside me just like she used to do when she was a toddler. I gave a soft peck on her forehead. Jahnvi, she is just four years younger than me but there are times I learn from her. She behaves like my baby sister and then like my mother. She tells me about investments and insurances and will make sure I make popcorn for her.

"Mumma and Papa will wake up in another hour" I mumbled. The sweat was like an adhesive. It was unusual to have heat at this degree in initial months of summer. My hair stuck to my neck like they were trying to wring it, and tying a knot was the most tedious task ever. The aura inside the room was though surreal but I felt a presence. I decided to saunter on the terrace, thinking perhaps some fresh air will help me with this uneasiness or unsettling fidgety. I removed the warm cozy blanket, like a house of some atomic surge, flames and fire. It was hot. The marble floor was cold enough to send with a few jitters in my spine.

And suddenly, without taking a step, I was on the terrace of my house. Everything was silent. I felt people were dead, a calamity had happened and I was the only person on earth. Just then with a time lapse I realised that it was such a stupid thought. What am I suppose to witness at the witch hour? People are sleeping. It is normal.

The night sky was cloudless, sometimes dark with smokes and then purple with smoke that was actually pollution. The stars were shining brightly like tiny diamond studs, unusual for a city sky. The atmosphere was serene and equilibrium. Strange. Why did I call it strange?

"Gods do a round of the earth during the brahma muhrata; one should always get up early to get God's blessings"

Gazing towards the velvety yonder, my mother's words echoed in my mind. "She'll be so happy to see that I woke up early that too in the brahma muhrata at 4 in the morning. Pat your back Simran!" I chuckled lightly tapping my own shoulder.

The cooling night breeze was swaying in its general mesmerizing fashion. I closed my eyes to feel this precious atmosphere. I could feel the flint of air moving around just for me.

Yes it was moving just around me!

The tranquilizing breeze turned into horrifying storms. It was trapping me in a whirlpool. Unlikely in such time, my feet were still firm on the rigid cemented terrace floor. Suddenly I heard a noise of humming, as if a reminder. I tried to see, flapping my hand in the winds which paved its way around my body. The only problem of people with the spectacles; I somehow tried to adjust my vision approaching the sky from where the sound was intensified. It must be an aeroplane. My bleak eyes finally managed to look upwards. It was a prodigious and gigantic circle moving in an immeasurable pace. The sphere rotating on its own body was rushing towards me right from the sky.

My body structure went numb, like a cadaver. That tornado and now this ginormous circle over my head. Oh my god what are you doing? What is your plan? I started to black out. The last thing I remember was of a soft, divine and serebe voice in a soothing baritone.

"The wheel of time is here to take you to your destiny. Do not be afraid for I am with you, always and forever."

I felt a set of soft yet strong fingers with a warm and clement palm holding my shivering hand.

Dark vision wrapped in phantasmagoric glimmer! I fell back and back, in a black pit. I was consumed.
And then I died. Or I thought I did. Tuned out I just blacked out. Unconscious. I'd like to call it spiritual awakening or finding my divine purpose, but till this date, I'm not sure if it was that.

Oh sorry. . .

This is my maiden work.
This work of mine is entirely a work of fiction based on the characters and events of the mythological epic Mahabharata. I'm a Mahabharata fanatic.

This story is entirely based on my imagination. If you guys have come through similar stories before, then I'm afraid but I am genuinely indulging my imagination in this book. I've always wanted to write something but somehow things didn't went in my ways. Being a reader I know what a reader expects. Being the initial pen, 'galtiyon k liye kshama.'

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