2. Incipient

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Incipient  /ɪnˈsɪpɪənt/  traces from Latin. It means beginning to happen or develop.

MY HEAD SPRANG FROM THE PILLOW, a loud scream in my conscious ample to shake me to the core

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MY HEAD SPRANG FROM THE PILLOW, a loud scream in my conscious ample to shake me to the core. I was panting and gobsmacked, as I felt my throat parched. My eyes were shot wide open, temple swamped with saline water droplets and my lips parted in astonishment. I was sitting on the mattress clenching the bedsheet and endeavouring to analyse this eerie and unfathomable vision.

"Was that a dream?" I blabbered in a husk. My gaze fell on my sister who was sleeping peacefully by my side. A glance at her tender face eased out my petrification a bit. I looked out of the window it was still pitch dark outside in the yonder. Clasping the glass full of water from the side table, I swigged it in a breath. I wiped off my lips and my face of the water and precipitation in suit.

Whose words were that? Who held my hand? What destiny? And Wheel? Time? My mind was encompassed in this hushed storm. Although it was a dream but why does this feel like the reality? Should I wake up Mumma and tell her all of this? No! She is already worried with her own stuff, for Papa, for us! Let her sleep peacefully Simran!

I raised my gaze to the spherical wall clock on opposite wall of our room. The minute hand rested on twelve and the hour hand pointed towards four. It was four in the morning. It was madrugada. I was dumbstruck for a moment. Everything, I witnessed in my dream happened at this time before dawn break. I decreased the temperature of air conditioner to 24° switching on the lights from the lamp settled on the chestnut side table. No. I'll not go upstairs on the terrace. My temple started to develop beads of sweat again and I felt awkward at my own place.

To divert my mind from this psuedo and quasi fiasco, I picked my phone and scrolled down those apps for sometime. With the strain of bright luminance of the screen, my eyelids became heavier. I rubbed off my eyes in a slight vigorous fashion with my fingers slouching down from the head rest of the bed. I didn't realize when the night engulfed me in a slumber again.


"SHE WAS SCARED, do I sound that scary Dau? I held her hand in mine too, in order to avoid the gits and sudden dumbfound state. After all this is not a mundane routine for her! But she still should have realized that it is me"

Balram was in a fit of laughter at the false whining lacing his younger one's speech though his lotus eyes had an omniscient and divine lustre. "Kanha, I hope you are not forgetting that the time she resides in is 2020. She is the girl from kaliyug. There you are my dear brother, present in temples and idols. I am afraid what will happen when the reality will happen to her, this was all just a dream"

Krishna curved his pink lips in a smile at his Jyesth's words. He sat beside him on the mahogany wooden swing of their royal garden in Dwarka.

"Dau, I am all aware that kaliyug has my presence only in its temples and stone idols but there are some people where I still reside in their hearts. I know there are people who still have seeds of righteousness deep down in their soul and then there are people whose seed of righteousness is lying idle. Fortunately, I know someone who follows the path of truth and love as her seed of righteousness is blooming, is germinated, in need of the felicitous sunlight and water of dwapar yug, and you know the person I talk of now, do you not? She has to realize and face this ultimate reality of her life, I shall never leave her side, she just needs to believe in herself"

Balram nodded with a blissful curl as he exhaled, "Kanha—you and your mystics!" earning an elysian chuckle from the blue lord.


"SIMRAN WAKE UP! It's about to get noon? What will happen to your breakfast and lunch or today also you're trying to have brunch?"

I rolled to the corresponding side of the bed in pandiculation, trying to open my scrunched eyes to watch Mumma busy in taking the bottle of hair oil from the dressing table drawers.

Okay! Done now! Jahnvi is gone!

I chuckled recalling how Mumma's head massages drowns us in the ocean of oil. I got up from the bed pestering myself to the washroom. Sliding into my favourite red loose t-shirt and black striped pyjamas, I  wrapped my ebony curly hair in a messy bun. The pandemic and this quarantine has left us with no option to lackadaisically saunter from terrace to our own rooms.

I rushed to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. Mixing and dropping the fresh ingredients in smoothie maker including curd, plums, sugar and ice cubes, I added a dash of cold water to emulsify with vanilla essence. I was happy with the outcome. There shall be nothing more soothing than having lassi for breakfast in this hot summer.

I took the chilled glass and walked towards the living room to join my mother and Jahnvi. In the midst, I sneaked into the study room where Papa was engrossed in his laptop and files. "Good morning Papa!" I chirped passing from the doorpost. "Oh Good afternoon Simran!" I halted in my place rolling my eyes in exasperation. "It's fine either way!" his voice came as I barged into the living room.

"Mumma- this is so good, you are a magician!" said Jahnvi getting much pampered by our mother. "Is that so?" Mother laughed at her who wrapped her arms around Mumma like such toddler. She always turns into one around our mother.

It was already twelve in afternoon by the time I woke up, so I turned on the television and started to switch the channels. "Your father will have a zoom meeting in next few minutes, don't make it too loud!" I moved my gaze towards Mumma still pressing the buttons on the remote. "Oh see- its Lord Krishna holding that tyre of the chariot, it's the repeat telecast of Mahabharat"

I immediately looked at the television screen leaning back on the sofa, over Janhvi's words. I was excited because, Mahabharat. I could sense my mother and sister sighing at my very extreme obsession of the epic.

I can even kill you with this wheel of the chariot if I wish to!

Krishna challenged Bhishma Pitamah. ook at him in all his prowess.

"It's a wheel Jahnvi! What tyre?" I corrected my sister who nodded in affirmation as mother went to Papa who called her from the other room.

That tyre must be-wheel-wheel!

I was benumbed. The herculean circle I was not able to describe yesterday, that circle in my dream which looked exactly like the wheel, indeed. It was a wheel? Wheel of time it was? Was that Krishna then holding my hand?

Will Simran realize this truth and reality? Only God knows! Your suggestion are always welcome. Do vote if you liked the chapter.

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