41. Aesthetic

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Aesthetic. Late 18th century. from Greek aisthētikos/iːsˈθɛtɪk,ɛsˈθɛtɪk/concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

 from Greek aisthētikos/iːsˈθɛtɪk,ɛsˈθɛtɪk/concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty

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INDRAPRASTHA was not just pillars and walls now, it was decked as an aesthetic beauty.

The hustle bustle in the palace barely halted for a moment when someone shouted from a corner either to post a complaint or to appreciate the others. It was like a lively and jovial festival. The anticipation of subjects grew with each day, when Kunti and Yudhishthir decided to notify the citizens with a public announcement.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! On this day two weeks thence, there shall be held at the royal palace; the most anticipated wedding of the royal family. Our Emperor, now bestows upon us a celebration. On said day, the day of lord buddh, the sun in venus and moon in jupiter at the pious and auspicious hour of dusk our Prince Arjun shall marry the woman he has been loving and courting from a set of long years; she being the court event administrator of Indraprastha known as Simran or Parthjaya. Grace the holy occasion and bless the couple with blessings."

The woman quarters were so snowed in preparations that they hardly even settled for a single and homogeneous choice. At the end, the colour red was announced as the savior for every little confusion being her favourite. Silks and velvets in scarlets, crimsons, burgundy, maroon, claret, ruby and all shades of hue red swarmed the entire chambers. The ornaments and jewelries too were beautifully crafted keeping in mind the sole preferences. Precious stones of red garnets, rubies, carnelian, corals with shining white diamonds of the most finest qualities were gilded and carved for her.

Everything passing through these lit chambers from goldsmiths to fabric designers were administered by the crown princess Subhadra with the help of Suthanu.

The chariots and stables worked for days and nights, indulged in importing and exporting various essentials for the wedding. Holsters, charioteers, riders and messengers were as busy as bees, they didn't even realise the end and beginning of their day. Nakul along Prativindhya was heading this department for the sleek flow of routines.

The royal kitchen was the most active arena towards the east of the palace. It always smelt of aromatic spices and sauted snacks in clarified butter with sesame, nuts, jaggery, roasted flours and coconut to make various sweets and hundreds of recipes prepared on the pre-wedding rituals. Bheem kept a close eye supervising the procedures proceeding in the culinary sector with Sutasom's assistance.

Yudhishthir and Kunti's daytime was spent with royal astrologer and clan priests in deciding, comprehending and concluding on rituals at suitable hours and dates for that unusual marriage; a woman from 5000 years ahead and the greatest archer of time.

Sahdev and Draupadi, like always had to tally, record and keep accounts of the treasures and expenses on going processes. The two along with the Emperor and the Queen mother of Hastinapur, also were finalizing the invitations. On her insistence, only kingdoms to receive invites were Hastinapur and Dwarka.

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