14. Promise

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promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen

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A SHARP ARROW pierced a trembling scorpion on the teal hue ground near Krishna's feet. The archer of the shot assembled his mighty bronze bow, he walked to cover the distance between him and the two standing before.

"Pranipat Vasudev"

Karn then greeted Krishna joining his hands. "Angraj, Pranipat. Thank you for the favor. How come you are here? And how did you know it is me in such darkness?" Krishna returned him the salutations, grateful for the action of the Anga king. "It is nearly impossible to not recognize you. Apologies for my arrow, scorpion was poisonous"

"You must be knowing much about the scorpions" the all knowing blue lord commented earning a chuckle from Vijaya. "Vasudev, people say that you know everything then you must be knowing of my tough relationship scorpions"

All this while Simran wondered how would Karn react to her alive stance, given that he had prophecized with his best friend of her sudden death along Pandavas and their mother. Still veiled by the Lord's elephantine back, she felt a stung in her foot's sole.

Why does everything has to bother my feet? Oh God!

Cursing her sole more, the burning sensation culminated with the sharp piercing intensifying, she screamed and hissed consequently. "Simran my dear what happened?" Krishna turned around to look behind him hearing her angel's wince.

Karn was startled and his Vijaya bow slipped down from his hand. The thin lipped mouth was left open, he was breathing heavily. The tawny brown eyes were glistened as he whispered, "Simran, you're alive" The two of the best friends were however engrossed in the out of the blue pain in kaliyug girl's foot.

So, the king of Anga approached her and knelt placing her wounded foot on his thigh. He squeezed that area around her heel which was venomous and pulled out a blackish blue sludgy fluid as a venom. "It is hurting!" She had winced holding Krishna's hand. "I am sorry, the scorpion was still alive and-we need some water. Vasudev, Shall I? If you do not mind?" Karn asked holding her foot in his hand, his eyes seeking permission.

"You may Angraj. I shall wait here at the marquee. Fortunately, there is a lake you both can go there. Who can cure a scorpion bite better than you? Take your time and heal my angel."

Krishna passed her an assuring smile telling Radhey who nodded and they advanced to the lakeside.


THE SKY WAS PAINTED in abendrot and blue with gray clouds exercising their own entity as twilight crowned itself. The faint stars above were still awaiting the arrival of their lover, the silver globe. Perhaps, the arrival was awaited on the land too but in dark forest everything was topsy turvy.

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