44. Eventide

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Eventide. Old English ǣfentīd. noun /ˈiːv(ə)ntʌɪd/ the end of the day; evening.

GOLDEN ELIXIR bestrewed around the horizon was a prelude to the sunset

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GOLDEN ELIXIR bestrewed around the horizon was a prelude to the sunset.

The crystal clear cerulean blue sky encompassing the pulchritudinous city of Indraprastha in its warmth of the dusk zephyrs was painted again in the same strokes of crimson, abendrot, purple and pink; resembling those sunset milieus. Paradisiacal scarlet sun, blazing in her passion for him was on the verge to coalesce in the tranquil waves of his fervently cool waters.

Dusky soft breezes with balmy aura secretly transported their messages to each other, swishing through the gauzy burgundy and velvet ivory curtains simultaneously. Melodies of cuckoos, sparrows and swallows were the words of love resonating in their ears. Dusk, Parth and Parthjaya will be forever grateful to this aesthetic hour of the day.

For the maiden time Arjun saw that damsel, a fallen angel who was shining in the golden rays of the setting sun, stained in dust and soused in sparkling waters of Ganga; something in him tugged him to her. Taking only a glimpse before getting unconscious again, Simran's brown eyes gazed in those enigmatic orbes reflecting her disheveled state in copper irises.

As if the absolute creations of the nature was blessing and witnessing the embark of a trouivalle journey, a serendipity.

For the ephemeral moments of that evening, when the wheel of time was spun in the momentum of love. He touched her with his alluring eyes more than his hands could ever. He realized that the woman ruling his subconscious and visions from all these years was her, a woman from future. She was just benumbed not believing her sane conscious. Sarang, was the sentiment defining the ardor they basked, in each other's embrace that eventide.

As if the cosmos was cherishing and celebrating the laconic articulation of his love confession, which she had never expected to shower upon her after many a years of wait that was acatalepsy. 'His heart shall always rest with mine.' The woman from kaliyug had somehow accepted that Arjun is not for her. How can the archer from 5000 years ago and a literature fanatic from 21st century fall in love? When the stars traverse to forge a magical sempiternal constellation, galaxies and the moon bow before them.

Love, if agape can fight thousands of battles. The love Parth and Parthjaya nurture in their hearts for each other is agape, like loving your God. Striking one another's souls with scars of seven stages of love.

After cataclysmic years of waiting burning her heart and freezing his soul, loving from millennials of large distances, the auspicious day has approached for the coalesce. The day of union, where sunset shall prosper to preach and proclaim a pristine definition. Sunset proves coalesce. Red fierce sun merges with white calm river at dusk.

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