38. Aloisia

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Aliosia. German origin. Inventive female form of Aloysius. A famous fighter and warrior.

"WHO ARE YOU?" the sloshed prince questioned Shakuni when he greeted him

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"WHO ARE YOU?" the sloshed prince questioned Shakuni when he greeted him. "King Shakuni, Please allow me to apologize for my elder brother's behavior" the other man with him looked embarrassed of his elder one's actions.

"You don't have to. I can see he's too immersed in his realm of intoxication that it's acceptable for him to not rec-" Duryodhana when tried to talk with the second prince was cut by the elder one who pulled him in a hug, "Oh! crown prince Duryodhan I'm very much pleased to meet you. Pranipat king of Anga, Prince Dushasan and king of Gandhar!" the sluggish voice and foul smell of wine were not the sole evidences of his bizarre​ness.

"I suggest you to take him b-" Shakuni was interrupted in mid. "Y-You don't give orders old man! Brother, I am going somewhere with my men. You attend this boring event.... !" drunk prince reeled ahead followed by his servants as he left. "But Bhratashree?" the younger prince tried to stop him but Dushasan pulled him in a confab. "Let him go, this is how elder brothers are! How have you been faring tho?" They both moved to other direction leaving behind Karn, Duryodhan and Shakuni bewildered.

"Seriously? I-I can't even- He for her ? Gandharraj? That was cruel of you!" Karn sternly presented his motion for one of the stratagems they've planned years ago. "I didn't know back then that the case is too low!" Shakuni said giving looks of aversion to the wobbled strides of that prince.

"There is difference of day and night between the two brothers!" Karn stated. "I agree on you! Let's leave for the feast outside. I'm really starving!" Shakuni said and limped forward moving out from the palace with his nephew and his best friend.


THE THREE entering the illusion assembly sauntered around leaving no space unnoticed from their gazes. "Mamashree, Bhrata Duryodhan and Angraj Karn seem to be very much impressed of the assembly I suppose!" Nakul chuckled earning one from Simran standing beside him as they were about to begin with obeisances for other kings.

"Emperor Yudhishthir, I suppose all the present kings and crown princes haven't envisaged the insults you've bestowed upon us!" an envied and loud voice echoed in the illusionary hall.

The king of Chedi, Shishupal rose from his seat, "Emperor, what makes you wonder that Krishna can be the most appropriate one for the foremost obeisance? Perhaps, Mahamahim Bhishma's little knowledge allowed him to accept such act when he, the man of virtues has no objection in receiving the respects after this evil and mischievous Krishna, who is not even older than Vasudev, Bhishma, the ultimate Guru Drona and Kripa! Midst the rulers of valor, extreme strengths and endued with prowess like Karna, Aswatthama, Duryodhan, Rukmi, Salya, Drupad and others you believe this one who stole butter from people like a thief deserves the first obeisance?" Shishupal threw venom from his mouth and continued.

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