6. The Royals Of Hastinapur

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royal /ˈrɔɪəl/
Royalty · having the status of a king or queen or a member of their family.

THE CHARIOT ENTERED the prodigious entrance of the Hastinapur palace. The guards' eyes moved to their Prince, holding an eccentric woman. They were standing in a line on each side of the pathway from the gate leading to the galleries of the royal threshold.

The other four Pandavas sat lackadaisically on the staircase at the front probably waiting for their brother to return from his evening veneration. On the each side of the pathway were open lawns with soft green beds of grass, sturdy trees and variety of fragrant flowers. The lawn towards the left was occupied by the Kaurava brothers. The Kuru princes were tired after the mock event and enjoying their return to the palace after twelve years.

For several years they were attaining education at Guru Drona's gurukul built far away on the outskirts of Hastinapur. Today was to be the day when King Dhritrashtra would've announced his successor, the crown prince of Hastinapur. Unfortunately, after today's competition in the mock tournament, the result turned out to be nil and the proclamation for the heir wasn't publicized. But this wasn't the big news, not anymore for the royal family.

"Look Arjun's chariot is here!" Bheem raised his hand towards the entrance merrily speaking. His declaration had gained everyone's attention as they looked in the direction.

And they were shocked to see the sight.

Arjun was carrying a girl in his arms who seemed unconventional to them according to her clothing and almost everything about her was so mystifying. She was not like model of women they were comfortable with.

"It seems Bhrata Arjun's dusk prayers are different from others" Dushasan mocked rolling his thin moustache. Kaurava brothers had a fit of laughter at this except Karn who was keen to notice the unconscious women, firmly standing beside his friend Duryodhan.

When Bhishma along with Kunti walked in to the lawn, they were equally unfathomed at the sight.

"Putra Arjun who is this girl?" Bhishma questioned. "Pitamah, I found her lying on the banks of river Ganga. I thought it is unrighteous to leave a girl alone there— so I brought her here" Arjun answered.

Kunti approached towards the girl, "Son, bring her inside to the guest chambers" The third Pandava quickly inclined his head as he followed his mother's command.


THE TWILIGHT transformed into a dark night of Phalgun. The faint spot of the silver full moon with shining stars in the black sky was slightly getting more profound. The atmosphere was pleasant and the royal family wished such was the case with strange girl.

Inside the royal guest chamber there she was, lying on the bed of silk mattresses and plush pillows. Surrounded by physicians and handmaids, women of Kuru family including Gandhari sitting at the end of the bed, her only daughter Dushala standing at a distance and Kunti was sitting beside an unconscious mystery girl caressing her heated forehead.

It was then, the mystery girl slowly opened her eyes. Her head was heavy and eyelids felt like pelts of stone. As she blinked and the vision around started becoming clear, she spotted an elderly lady sitting with blindfolds.

"Ah, there she is. She is awake"
"How are you sweet girl? How do you feel?"
"Don't be afraid, you're safe"

She heard voices, concerned and curious. Something was different in this air. At long last, after collecting her sense, she endeavored to collect everything from sentences to last memories which were flashing inside her mind. Man, chariot, arrow, bow. Simran pinched her temple and nose bridge harshly straining herself. To say she felt paranoid would be an understatement. Her own voice was as if gone. She was not dreaming. This was all happening for real.

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