13. Believe

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believe /bɪˈliːv/ accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.

believe /bɪˈliːv/ accept that (something) is true, especially without proof

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HIDIMBA WAS ANXIOUS. "I suggest we must start finding a way out of this cave"

The woman spoke out of a sudden while they were leisurely sitting after having a berry lunch. "Indeed. But we just ate and I think we should rest for a while" the elder Madreya said while spreading his arms and leaning on Yudhishthir who then ruffled anuj's matted hair.

"No. We must leave at this instance"

The bold command of the woman left them in a surprise. She then stuttered a bit, her gaze lowered in a morph or shame. "I-I mean to say, It is already dark here while the sun is out, it shall turn darker by the end of the day. So we should start by now" she sighed and breathed heavily fiddling with the ends of her dupatta.

Yudhishthir and Arjun looked at each other and smiled as the group stood up. "I agree. Mata come I will carry you. There are stones and thorns on the way" said Bheem picking up his mother in his mountainous arms.

As the girl from kaliyug stood on her feet from the dusty ground and begin walking, her left sole was stung by a piercing thorn. She winced in pain with a whimper and then everyone's attention diverted to her.

"Simran! Stay put. Come and sit here" Arjun made her sit on a nearby rock. He knelt and placed her foot in his lap. "It is a thorn. That too in the same foot and at the same place which was hurt before" He said and as he moved his fingers nearer to her sole, she shut her eyes close to bear pain of thorn being pulled of. The kala leaves have more sharp tipped thorns than any other cactus. She shivered with the point being strung in her flesh.

"It is fine. Easy, and done!" Sabyasachi smiled assisting her to stand up and she returned a weak smile to him for reassurance of everyone as Pandava prince held her by the waist holding her hand in his own calloused palms.

"Putri are you sure that you will be able to walk? Arjun her foot-it has started to bled. Nakul, Sahdev?" Kunti asked her sons for some quick and effective remedy. "Mata, not feasible without an ashok leaf to make a cure" Nakul said sharing a glance with his twin who then continued, "but we can surely do this. Bhrata Arjun we can bandage the wound with a cloth until we are out of the cave"

Just a moment passed of these words leaving Sahdev's mouth, Arjun tore a piece of cloth from his teal angavastra and dressed up the wound.

"It seems emotions of Brihanalla are overflowing!" Bheem teased with a smirk and his brothers had chuckled further taking the play. "Aarya, you are hurt!" Nakul imitated as Bheem acted to tear a piece of cloth from his angavastra like his brother who just smiled and busied himself to bandage the injury on a dainty foot.

"Let us go now, without more delay!" the woman panicked as if she was in a hurry. The Pandvas with their mother motioned forward. Simran rose to her feet only to sag down on the ground and to her wonderful surprise Arjun pulled her taking her in his strong and toned arms.

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