12. Sehnsucht

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Sehnsucht (German pronunciation: [ˈzeːnˌzʊxt]) is a german noun translated as "longing", "desire", "yearning", or "craving".

ONES WHO ARE SHELTERED AND PROTECTED BY GOD cannot be killed by anyone, albeit the whole world turns out to be enemy, they cannot even damage a single strand of their hair

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ONES WHO ARE SHELTERED AND PROTECTED BY GOD cannot be killed by anyone, albeit the whole world turns out to be enemy, they cannot even damage a single strand of their hair. As they say, Jako rakhe saiyan, maar sake na koi.

With a wallop of Bheem's elephantine fist, the enormous cliff obstructing the way of tunnel was disintegrated into small stones, showering the sunlight on them with the essential air.

"Oh God! Thank you! Thank you so much for saving my life!"

The girl from kaliyug was out of her breath. She felt dyspneic after that shattering experience inside the dark stygian tunnel. Physically, her lungs were suffocating to strangle and her body was about to collapse in deep syncope. As soon as they were out she sagged down on the dusty ground, coughing and gulping the lumps. The Pandavas and Kunti, they however looked unaffected by that throttling burrow, which was indeed a wonder to her, one she'd never want to even remember or experience again in life. Perhaps we do not usually envisage of going beneath earth in kaliyug, she thought rubbing her chest.

"I owe you all something. Thank you so much for saving my life!" she then panted joining her hands and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Nakul smiled sitting beside her, "It's alright, relax. Breath with me! Inhale, exhale, inhale in deep breaths!" she motioned exactly according to instructions and realized it was more into her head than lungs. Mayhap, the disaster in her head intensified her physiological struggle.

The brothers had a lung filling laugh and they were glared to cease by their mother, for afore entering the tunnel she was confident tad too as she had said “I'll be the first one to rush out, I've done such adventure sports!” Now everything appea...

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The brothers had a lung filling laugh and they were glared to cease by their mother, for afore entering the tunnel she was confident tad too as she had said “I'll be the first one to rush out, I've done such adventure sports!” Now everything appeared in a much contradiction. "Ample of your drama now Simran! You're absolutely fine. Brace up!" Bheem then held her wrist in his hand, helping her to stand up from the soil.

"We need to disguise. If the news of us being alive spreads then definitely Hastinapur will attempt to find us." Yudhishthir spoke as they listened to him shedding off sand from their bodies. "Jyesth Bhrata, I believe that we should disguise as hermits" Arjun suggested who was now holding Kunti from her shoulders. "I agree. From now on all of us will live as brahmins. We shall go towards the west and after traveling for a few days we will reach the place which has memories of Pitashree and Mata Madri, from where our lives began" the eldest added as they stood on the cliff, the breeze of change blowing through them.

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