15. Anomaly

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anomaly /əˈnɒm(ə)li/
something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

THE SKY WAS PITCH BLACK with those stars resembling the pearls scattered around in yonder and the waning gibbous was adding more beauty to this night

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THE SKY WAS PITCH BLACK with those stars resembling the pearls scattered around in yonder and the waning gibbous was adding more beauty to this night.

She spread an ochre colored velvet shawl over her head covering her face, as her toes stepped out of the threshold of her chamber in a sneak.

Although the night had risen but the palace of Panchal was awake as busy bees and morning birds. One could smell jaggery, ghee, sesame floating in the air from the kitchen arenas. Maids and young girls were running around the corridors with different jewelries, fabrics, wheatgrass, sandalwood and turmeric salvers in their hands. Out of everyone's sight she did manage to sneak out of the palace.

Simran turned around to take a quick glimpse of those pillars, canvases and hibiscus flowers which were princess' favourite and those enormous prior arrangements for the Panchal gem's swayamvar. "Tomorrow is a big day for her!" the ebony haired woman sighed at the irony of the big day as she walked towards the commoners area of the palace.

"I'm sure you are alert enough of the patrol servicemen outside"

She heard him, the omniscient blue best friend. "Krishna, don't distract me now!" hissing, she bounded from an ashok tree.

"As you wish. I assume you know the place?"

Those words brought her paces to halt with a jerk for she doesn't even know the exact destination or whereabouts. "Krishna, help your sakhi, will you?" Amidst a few chuckles, the blue lord's mischievous voice echoed in her ears.

"No, was not I distracting you?"

Apart from whining, she was left with no other choice. "Krishna!" Leaning on the bark of that profound ashok, she waited for his answer when his honey dripping eutony was heard.

"Right from this lane, left from market area, straight from the fourway and the first house on the right alley, the potter's house."

Simran squealed in a joy, mouthing a thank you to the blue lord taking her steps to the indicated direction. This shall be after months, she will meet them; Mata Kunti and the five warrior brothers, the Pandavas.

Removing the shawl from her face as she settled it around her shoulders rushing to accomplish the important task, the night zephyrs were a bit cold even in the month of summer. A pair of vigil eyes captured her in the sight, traveling along her every movement.

"He said- straight from the fourway, an-"

Suddenly she felt a hand covering her mouth, arm around her abdomen and someone picking her up from waist. In an involuntary escape and defense, she continued moving her legs hitting the broad arm which was around her waist. She pinched the skin and then scratched her nails on forearm but all in vain. Eventually, she gave a sharp nip on the hand which was covering her mouth and finally the kidnapper person shrieked. The raspy and deep voice was of a male adult.

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