11. Fyrgebraec

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Fyrgebraec /fyrgebæc/ old english (n)
the crackling sound which a fire makes.

Fyrgebraec /fyrgebæc/ old english (n)the crackling sound which a fire makes

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"LOVE BESTOWS exhilaration, pain, longing and then ataraxia."

Pearls shed from her pink bloomed lips as she continued, "And I knew I love him. When you're in love, you can't help but think of anything else except them. Their joys, happiness, their likes and dislikes, the attributes of preferences rule over your entire conscience. The slight touch can give you butterflies. You get lost in their eyes. You can sense the scent of their presence-" she stopped to listen the theory as she was interrupted in mid of her philosophy by the girl from kaliyug.

"They are the first person flashing behind your eyes in the morning and the last one before you sleep. Their scent gets merged in your own. They-" Simran ceased her reverie when she realized Rukmini was staring at her continuously with tinge of tease as she crossed her arms over her chest. "So is that why you were asking about love?Tell me who is the lucky one?" The future girl wasn't flabbergasted but then she wasn't feeling sunshines too. "What? No- No one!" stuttering she sneaked out of Dwarka narayani's chamber brusquely.

Two days ago, Krishna had abducted-Rukmini haran took place. Call it her ill fate, she was so exhausted of the hustle bustle of Kaliyavan incident then journey to Dwarka, that she was not able to welcome her at the grand entrance gates because who slept just after hitting the plunge silks of regal mattresses in that fresh breath of blue lord's city, it was Simran!

 Call it her ill fate, she was so exhausted of the hustle bustle of Kaliyavan incident then journey to Dwarka, that she was not able to welcome her at the grand entrance gates because who slept just after hitting the plunge silks of regal mattress...

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The illusory potency of the Lord that bewilders even the sober ones, was Rukmini. The curvaceous and slender frame cladded in pink brocade and purple silk, her skin was fair as milk. Adorned in gold ornaments of rings, earrings, armlets and bracelets, fine waistband around her waist, slyphlike lissome​ and necklaces around her bosom; her gaits resembled that of a swan as her anklets jingle in a motion of rhythm. A glittering glow on her diamond shaped face and her red lips in a smile shall be the ultimate peace to humankind.

Rummaging through some official anecdotes of the city which Vasudev was arranging, Simran was really impressed to know that the condition of various grounds here is better in comparison to other kingdoms of aryavrat. Krishna and Balram were sitting on their respective regal thrones of the court considering the future projects to be accomplished in the commoners area just when a messenger arrived. He introduced himself of being from Hastinapur. Without a flinch second thought, Krishna asked her to take the letter arrived from Hastinapur to Arjun who has been unusually staying at the outskirts, near the Ratankara (Arabian Sea) in a marquee.

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