9. Bewitched

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past tense bewitched
/bɪˈwɪtʃ/ enchant and delight (someone)

A NOCEUR never searches for the deep slumber, a night owl she has always been

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A NOCEUR never searches for the deep slumber, a night owl she has always been. Maybe, this was involuntarily a sleep deprivation mania to the girl from future. She stared at bejeweled ceiling of the chamber laying on the silk mattress.

Devoid from every jewel that adorned her, howbeit she didn't have any other fabric which can be categorized in the comfort zone, especially a loose t-shirt and a pyjama, to change apart from those heaps of embroidered​ and brocaded silks Kunti provided her with. She was still wearing the fuschia coloured lehenga and her ebony curls were bestrewed on the aureate bed, they swung whenever the breeze flirted with them.

"What am I even thinking of? Arjun? Why? This is it Simran! I am not falling for him, absolutely not. You've always been like this, you like someone's character and fall for him. That is it. Remember, after watching Thor you loved Thor not Chris Hemsworth, well although I do.  And, Loki not the Tom Hiddleston. Fine, I do. Darcy not Mr. Matthew. The same fact is here. You're admiring and adoring Arjun, his very character for what he is, brave, strong, sensitive, affectionate and endearing. Not how he looks! He is handsome. Of course he is affecting me but not on romantic basis for sure. Because I also found Karn handsome, Nakul is also handsome!" she rolled a lock of her curl on her index finger in contemplation.

Indeed a typical pose for an artist to paint a damsel fawning over a man, as she twists a strand of her hair on her finger.

"Damn right!" She sprang with a force from the bed and crossed her legs sitting frantically with a mirror studded cushion in her lap drawing conclusions. "Arjun is on my mind, he is because he helped me. That's it. It's just an attraction, a vague inclination for the kind of person he has been to me. I admire him because it's just my second day in Hastinapur and the only person I've conversed more in comparison to others is him, Arjun, there is no romantic thesis in this" She proclaimed with a hint of certainty.

"I think— I should discuss this with Krishna" The idea popped in her mind swamped with debate. She moved her hands on the creased mattress and toppled the pillows. Then she opened the mahogany drawers of the chests placed near the regal bed rummaging through the containments. No, no, not again.

She went towards the dresser, the gold mirror arena and had heaved a breath of fresh relief. Amidst those lapiz lazuli earrings, moon beams were illuminating the colors of that iridescent feather dancing in night zephyrs. "I must have kept it here while I was removing the ornaments" She thought taking the morpankh and went to her bed collapsing on its plush sheets. "How will this work now? I-I think I should recall him and try to frame him in mind." She closed her faintly kohl stained eyes chanting Krishna with her remnants of rose tinted lips in a slow whisper.

"You must know that you woke me up from the sweetest sleep"

She heard the heavenly voice, nectar of this universe and a smile erupted on her mouth, but was not able to see him, which was evident from the frown of her brows. "I can hear you Krishna but I can't see you?" Her puzzled face was looking here and there as if waiting for him to appear from nowhere.

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