8. Fuschia

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Fuchsia/ˈfjuːʃə/ a shrub with pendulous tubular flowers that are typically of two contrasting colours.

WHEN UNIVERSE commences its surreal stratagem, one cannot refrain from bending to its will. Something in him tugged to usher the nonconventional. So an aureate atelier painted their not so ordinary destiny.

All of a sudden he stopped, his excited paces coming to a standstill. Somehow with this abrupt motion she manged herself to avoid crashing in him. He quickly left her hand from his calloused hold. "My apologies" ,he mumbled in a husk. How can I?

Simran was not able to comprehend the reason of his sincere apology. She moved to the front for all this while she was trailing behind him. Keeping her hands on her waist she begin her interrogation, "I think sorry is your favourite Prince Arjun" He shook his head in a negative innocently, "W-Why would you say that?" She giggled at his winsome face, he who slays his enemies in battlefield. "Because every time we've met you've just apologized to me. Anyways where does this sorry comes from now?"

Arjun smiled looking everywhere but her twinkling brown eyes, "Because I—not of concern, nothing." His sight slipped to her hand and gazed out on the lush green lawn sparkling in the golden rays of the midday sun. The girl from kaliyug following his motion perceived what he meant and it was a big bag of realization for her dumb self. How can I forget that this is not 21st century?

"Oh I get it. Its okay Prince Arjun. In fact in my era, kaliyug, it's normal to be this casual. Actually it's fine to hold hands or hug your friends. Since you saved my life and which was indeed very kind of you, so you're also my friend right?" she tried to assure him, extending her hand for a hand shake as an embark of their pristine friendship. Sabyasachi although gave her a smile but with a clueless look. Therefore, she took his strong arm in her hands placing it on her soft palm.

What was that pull? What was that quick vision? A pain in my head?

Arjun wondered. This was the beginning of an ataraxia, where the literature fanatic herself did the 'hand shake' with the prince from 5000 years back.

Arjun's face resembled a kindergarten student who just keeps staring at their teachers face while nothing precisely goes inside their head at the kaliyug token of friendship commencement, said handshake and she could only laugh. "This is how we begin or start a friendship in kailyug. We call it, the handshake!" Arjun nodded his head with a sheepish chuckle and shook their hands again, brightening up to learnt a new concept. An ardent learner he was.

"Simran Putri, You are here? And! You have not ch— These clothes! W-What kind of clothes are you wearing still?" Kunti's voice startled and interrupted the kaliyug lifestyle classes as the duo turned to her who was dismayed. She scanned her from top to bottom with her black almond eyes. "Queen Kunti this is a night suit. In kalyiug we wear these clothes while sleeping. Its very comfortable" Simran answered her hands indicating to her red cotton lounge wear.

Unable to understand the motif behind the elderly woman's statement was evident from her general, basic answer. Kunti smiled at her in a bit suppressed way and then looked at her son, Arjun. She took her to a side adjacent to pillar, a bit distant from him.

"Putri, I do respect your opinions and ways. But this is dwaparyug and here women do not wear such clothing. Moreover I do not wish for all those men to stare at you. I shall give you some decent clothes to wear. And you have these nice piercings I must give you some good jewelries too"

Every word of Kunti's fond baritone reminded her of motherly affection that won't lack here for sure. "None can of us replace your mother but I will make sure you won't miss her much. Let us have a good talk, I hardly know you"

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