21. Seeds

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Seed /siːd/ the unit of reproduction of a flowering plant, capable of developing into another such plant.

KARN WAS STUNNED as she looked like a warrior, to him his warrior princess

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KARN WAS STUNNED as she looked like a warrior, to him his warrior princess. She chanted a few hymns and a shield in blue outpour appeared around her, engulfing her in a semi circle, certain of experiencing such afore, the son of Surya was dumbfound.

As the fine tip of that spear raced to split the defense she had created the pointed weapon shattered into pieces. Karn couldn't believe his eyes. It was unexpected for him to see her, the girl from kaliyug to act with such massive composure and vigilance.

"How-How did you—Who taught you this?" he curiously asked rooted to his place, only to hear his thunderstorms.


The wheatish face glowing in the rays of the golden dusk sun was brimming with pride and happiness as she had announced his name. But it was not the spring time for him. Karn's heart stopped for a mere second, not only with the mention of that name but also with the glow on her face that appeared just after the name of his rival.

He stuttered, "But-But I—I supposed that you wanted to learn that, archery from me. . .only me. This is why I gave you my bow. And on that day, you asked for my bow yourself, did you not?" the smile on her lips faded with each passing words.

"Oh, it is—my fault. Who am I even to blame? How could I? When from the beginning I knew this full well that, you are his responsibility, your very allegiance rests with the Pandavas.
Responsibility of my arch nemesis!"

Losing himself in the divulgence of his heart, Radhey eventually shouted taking strides towards her in his long dominant aggression consequently, Simran was unable to process. She was surprised at his eerie behavior. "Karn! You must behave! Why are you shouting? What happened? I—never promised you of learning archery. I just do not understand why are you getting restless?"

Karn turned around, facing the dusky horizon and fell down on his knees

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Karn turned around, facing the dusky horizon and fell down on his knees. "Angraj, I-Did —Why are you crying?" she said as she kept her hand across his shoulder, in a fear and listening to his mild sobs. This must not be true. Of all—Arjun!

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