31. Arcane

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Arcane. from Latin arcanus.

/ɑːˈkeɪn/ understood by few; mysterious or secret.

/ɑːˈkeɪn/ understood by few; mysterious or secret

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SHE NEVER KNEW THAT SHE'D FALL for dawns one day.

This dawn bathed in the breeze of freshness elevated her to the higher definition. Her mother was right, the time of madrugada is auspicious, which can turn your wishes to reality. The golden sun amidst the blue sky bestowed her divine gifts. Humming the tunes of that one song which played no significance in her life back in kaliyug, suddenly those few lyrics sounded paradisiacal to her soul.

" hmmmm. . . la la la. . .
bhaye. . . aaa. . .naina. . .hmm "

The tip taps of horse was in a rhythm with her soft crooning. Tejas as Krishna named the black horse, scurried inside the gates of the Dwarka palace only to meet Balram at the entrance with Satyaki. She was well aware of the interrogation that followed. She was not a political spree to ride a horse that too the fastest one at this early in the morning.

"Simran, where did you go this early in the morning?"

Satyaki approached her unfurling a letter as Balram motioned him to read ahead, a quick glance travelled to the future girl on the horse. "They will be here by the noon" the Vrishni read from the epistle as the eldest Yadav brother nodded.

"All these flowers in your hair, did you fall?" Balram enquired with his thick brows knitting together as their eyes traveled to her hair. She ran her fingers in curls to remove the petals smiling in the midst. She would've spun a tale, but Balram was intimidating to her.

"Such a pleasant morning, is it not? Ah, where's my prasad?"

Krishna walked towards the patio placing one of his hands on his waist and extending the other one to her as she placed hers in his mild and scarlet hand jumping off from the horse. "Oh my savior!" she mentally was relieved at the fortunate arrival of the ruler of this universe.

"Dau, she must have went to Somnath temple and these flowers red verbena," he shifted his divine eyes at hers, then continued, "these blooms my dear are for Mahadev, not for you. You decorated your hair with them too!" Balram looked at his brother and then at her finally buying the cover up.

"Where is the prasad? What should can be an ideal start to the day other than Mahadev's prasad?" Satyaki cupped his hands together, demanding for the ladoo, that rested in the temple. Satyaki, why can't you stay quiet?

"Satyaki, come here for once. I think a foot soldier's wage needs some of the modifications" Kritvarman came to her rescue shouting from the stable near the weaponry. "This shall be the better start to the day, after all it is our people holding much importance than rest!" Krishna placed his hand across Satyaki who left from the place.

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