20. Harbinger

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Harbinger /ˈhɑːbɪn(d)ʒə/ old saxon.
a person or thing that shows that something is going to happen soon, something bad.

THE COSMIC RELATIONSHIP, which is invisible to the naked eyes but the sight of third chakra; Nar and Narayan or termed as their humanly divine forms, Madhav and Parth, whose camaraderie was gracing the spring city of the lord, Dwarka

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THE COSMIC RELATIONSHIP, which is invisible to the naked eyes but the sight of third chakra; Nar and Narayan or termed as their humanly divine forms, Madhav and Parth, whose camaraderie was gracing the spring city of the lord, Dwarka.

"So you dear Parth traveled all the way from Indraprastha to Dwarka just to ask a question?"

Krishna picked a few tamarinds from the blooming bush. "Likely and to be honest possibly. But I wanted to meet you and Bhabhishree Rukmini, none can deny that." Arjun replied tossing a pebble up and down. "Let us go back to the palace first, you do not know Rukmini and Subhadra have prepared a big feast for you!"

Krishna dragged him, one confused third Pandava. "Madhav, you did not know, I did not inform of my arrival afore? The feast?" the blue lord just smiled heavenly, because now is there anything that Murlimanohar of this world does not know, so Arjun just smiled too leaving the rhetoric.

As they entered the palace of Dwarka, chirping like the sparrow melody and aurora of the vibrant summers, that dusky Princess Subhadra approached, running out of nowhere and wrapped her arms around Krishna. "I missed you so much" while her gaze was still at Prince Arjun who was busy adoring the iridescent peacocks in the garden. Krishna caressed her head.

"This is a pristine discovery. This is for the first time you have missed me when I went out only for a prahar? Well take these sour tamarinds for your Bhabhi Satyabhama"

Subhadra chirped holding those sour pods, "She has been craving for some since you went out. I was just going to the kitchen to get her something and you came with these. I shall be back."

Arjun smirked at Krishna watching a fading vista of the goddess of illusion. "Madhav, one must learn from you how to be a good husband, Tamarind" Krishna chuckled as his dark cheeks turned crimson. "Caring is the maiden phase of love Parth. It is Satya's sixth month and being an ideal husband, I must fulfill her every wish."

The presence of his first wife, added more moons to the jubilant ambience as she came from the same corridors Subhadra exited off sharing some of the giggles with her sister in law.

Sabyasachi greeted her had favourite. "Pranipat Bhabhishree" who folded her hands in same, "Pranipat my dear Brihanalla!" she chuckled as Krishna embraced her from the shoulders. The divine couple earned rolled copper eyes from their one whom the girl from kaliyug referred to as the third wheel.

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