10. Quagmire

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an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.

ARSENAL WAS THE MOST AWAKE part of the palace.

"Make it sharp!"

"Jyesth we should add more coal to the. . . "

The clamor was resounding from the arsenal of the royal palace caught her attention. Although the arena was dark but the lamps and cressets were burning for the dusky warmth and illumination. The ember eyes of the girl from future in dim light could see swords, spears, axes, bows, arrows and maces around the royal weaponry orderly stacked and assembled.

She spotted the Kaurava princes, who were making arrangements getting their preferred weapons sharpened for tomorrow, but someone noticed her too.

"Pranipat Devi" She turned around to see it was Shakuni faking his grin as he greeted her with joined hands, his teeth cavities offensively visible. She returned the gesture, resisting urge to roll her eyes "Pranipat Mamashree"

The Kaurava brothers fed their gaze and attention towards the bullseye, noticing the pleasant encounter between their maternal uncle and the mystery girl.

"I was sauntering around the palace so I just came here. This is arsenal, right? I mean astrakaksh?" She asked moving her eyeballs in an inspection. "Indeed Devi. Better you stay away from this arena because here you shall find nothing of your interest." Duryodhan's voice laced the typical patriarchal vanity. Only if she was a girl who can be shut and bossed up with such an ease.

With a sarcastic baritone her sharp answer paved its way, "I believe you forgot the facts I stated in the bright morning, I've more should I guide you with them?" Duryodhan was glaring at her, the fumes of his offended ego were kindling more than the hearths in the weaponry. The second eldest, Dushasan of the Kauravas found it as a battleground, so he stood beside his brother staring at her.

Duryodhana hissed and stamped his mace on the floor, so did his younger brother and stamped his sword on the floor. "Pay heed I say that you are speaking to the future ruler of the place you took refuge in." Simran would've laughed on his face at his daydreams, but she can not. Instead, she was focused to mock the second eldest Kaurava.

"If Prince Duryodhana will get into that fire will you also jump into the same?" She retorted but Duryodhan jumped in between yelling at her, "Woman!" She scoffed craning her neck to obstruct his gawk of the hooded eyes, "I've a name. Simran. Dare you say that." The eldest panted, flaming in the anger riding within him for being shunned by a woman.

"My child!"


Shakuni and Karn tried to move him away from her respectively. They did not intended to have their beloved in a bad name for arguing with a refuge woman, until and unless he resides the throne he needs to be in the good book. "Do not be a fool. That girl is with the Pandava brothers, my child."

Simran scowled and exited from the arsenal, managing to throw down a salver of dying embers toppling on the feet of certain two Kauravas.

"Devi, Devi- Devi! Listen -What was her name?"

Karna scurried in the dim lit corridors, last words fainting in the echoing footfalls of her boots. The rages of her anger were fueled by the address most often used for her. Devi. Literal translation, goddess. She's no goddess. Being called as a devi bothered her. So she neither stopped nor acknowledged the archer's yells.

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