3. Elysian Feather

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ely·​sian | \ i-ˈli-zhən \ of or relating to Elysium, a blissful delightful peace. feather /ˈfɛðə/ any of the flat appendages growing from a bird's skin and forming its plumage.

 feather /ˈfɛðə/ any of the flat appendages growing from a bird's skin and forming its plumage

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I WAS IN A DIFFERENT REALM. "We need to reschedule that meeting Mr. Batra. Anyways, How have you been doing?" Papa's voice from the gallery broke the trance of my vision scrutinizing.

I could feel my left ventricle, heart pounding. What am I even thinking? God! Simran you've actually lost it! Perhaps, watching too much of Ramayana and Mahabharata due to the lockdown you think you're going to get face to face with gods in this final era.

Jahnvi had already snatched the remote switching to Avengers: End Game. It's a universal truth I won't be able to watch the television till the evening now. I decided to complete my assignment which is due day after tomorrow. I walked towards our room avoiding the visage.


ENGROSSED SO MUCH in the article of Sylvia Plath's poetry that I did not notice any presence on the doorpost. A harsh knock on the wooden door from knuckles caught my attention as I peeked from the desktop screen. Jahnvi was gawking at me with curled lips. "What?" I asked vehemently. "I know everything you can't just hide things from me!" she said in a sharp voice. I lost my account of words.

Was she awake? That was a dream!

Tiny drops of saline water perforated my temple and hairline with high breaths in suit. I was about to tell her everything suddenly she threw her yellow and white striped jumpsuit on the velvet blanket. "This was on your side of the closet and you thought that I'll not find this out. Stop wearing my clothes!" she shouted clenching her fists.

Phew! This is her discovery! Thank God!

"What are you saying? It'll not fit me now I'm telling you!" she groaned folding the jumpsuit and I couldn't control myself but to laugh at her state. Though we've a difference of only four years but she's a bit skinny and obviously her outfits are bound to get loose if I'll wear them. She exited from the room stomping the floor and barging the door behind giving me glares then an apologetic yell. "Sorry for shouting!" I chuckled at her old, unusually pleasing behaviour. She do this everytime. "I love you!" I uttered from a mouthful of cheetos.


WORKING HIT HARDER and it was good until Mumma assigned me a task. "Simran, go and see the clothes must be dried off by now. Bring them from the terrace or else the colour would get faded"

I streched my arms after a four hour intense hard work on my European drama assignment when I heard my Mumma calling from her room. "Yes going" I replied shutting down the windows on my laptop. Walking towards the terrace gates I saw Jahnvi still glued to the television.

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