34. Aeonian

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Aeonian. from Greek /aiṓnios/ .lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time.

"PANCHALI ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Bheem's baritone was flooded in the concern while the other brothers too searched for the synonyms of this word. Arjun and his newly wedded wife Subhadra stood at the threshold, in lush lawns of pulchritudinous city Indraprastha, in cognizant subdue.

"Aarya Bheem, What about the penance which all of us have been doing from the day we held each others' hands?" Panchali bawled out her gaze still held by the burning kush grass on the ground. "Draupadi dear, without Bhrata Arjun we-" Nakul was stopped by his wife in between. "Aarya Nakul! If Prince Arjun wants to live with his wife then he surely can but then" Sahdev and Yudhishthir shared worried glances and then they looked at their wife who sat on the grey rock unmoved and rigid but fragmentary and tender inwardly.

The noontide was blazing the earth of its fybegraece rays, however it would not reach the queen of Indraprastha, who was seated in the hermitage as her husbands stood in front of her occluding the beams. The shadow of four warriors was a sheer balsam for Yagyaseni.

"Aaryaputron! I have no grudges or pique with Govind's sister. I am no malevolent to—I don't want to know the reasoning afore or behind. Aarya Arjun broke his oath, our pledge and my trust, I believed—I believed in his and Simran's relationship and now Subhadra too..." Draupadi craned her neck upwards to look at her husbands at last, standing as barricade between her and the scorching sun.

"Panchali! We must need to proclaim ourselves as independent and should perform the Rajsuyayagya. We want to see you as the empress of entire aryavrat" the youngest twin spoke walking ahead. "Dear, Arjun told me that Vasudev had said this marriage alliance is the base of aryavrat and its welfare."

"And moreover, I am afraid Simran hasn't arrived with them." the eldest, Yudhishthir added to a Draupadi whose anger seemed distant but not completely washed out. "Drau! It's formidable, I know. Let us talk it out  and we need to discuss everything, everything!" Bheem stressed the last words. A suppressed smile crept on Krishnaa's pink lips but her eyes were still like hot red embers. "I-I shall abide by my husbands. I just need some jiffs of solitary if permitted" her voice a bit calm now. "With pleasure" the eldest Pandava walked off with his brothers from the arena leaving their wife in introspection.

Simultaneously, in the flower gardens Subhadra knew the ways she needed to win her elder sister's heart as her black eyes glinted in mischief and a smile on her pink rose stained lips, an unfathomable stance to her husband.

"Are you sure Subhadra? I am her culprit and her anguish is accurately justifiable-" Sabyasachi didn't get to complete his words noticing a merry giggle from his new bride. "Aarya, I shall definitely gift you forgiveness" saying so she walked towards those front lawns with hers and queen's handmaids who guided her the way to Draupadi. Meeting the cross paths with her brother in laws, she inclined her head to them who gave her sheer welcoming smiles as they approached their brother, swarmed in confusion.

"Do not worry Arjun. Subhadra is Vasudev's sister. I am sure she will succeed" Yudhishthir blessed his younger one who touched his feet. "Simran didn't come with you both?" the eldest added noticing the absence. Arjun sighed out glancing at the ivory travertine floor and shook his head. "I asked her but she wished to, I mean verily she was adamant to stay back in Dwarka for some—few more days. However, Madhav shall bring her along in prospect of Rajsuyayagya" The brothers only scanned him, still not changed a bit of feather keeping him to himself. The wait of twelve years isn't abridged.

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