24. Ephemeral

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Ephemeral /ɪˈfɛm(ə)r(ə)l,ɪˈfiːm(ə)r(ə)|\ late 16th century: from Greek ephēmeros. Lasting for a very short time.

The sudden intervention indeed made everyone do a double take

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The sudden intervention indeed made everyone do a double take. This was for the first time he raised his voice against his elder brother, who was the father-figure to him, Yudhishthir, his elder brother. He had questioned his decision.

The eldest Pandav was restive but then he knew that if his brother have objected there must be something. "Arjun, why must this marriage not take place? And- on what basis do you claim Kausambi prince unsuitable for her?"

Sabyasachi then stepped inside slightly nodding to that ebony haired woman, who gave him a backward glance. A glow of immense determination was glimmering on his face. Even the kaliyug girl waited for the answer. Why is he so adamant to break this alliance off?

"Jyesth, King Kausamb himself is one great ruler unequivocally. He has two sons Mukund the eldest and Mokshit his anuj, but- do we even know the utmost reality? We have not seen or met him, then how can you say that I  should not judge his suitability for her?"

Arjun's chest moved up and down due to his huffed breaths. The protrusion of his throat escalated with the ranges of his voice. "Mukund is a drunkard, he is nothing but some pitcher of madira! He just knows how to lavishly enjoy the life. All the valor, gallantry, strength, allies in Kausamb are due to the king, his father and his younger brother. The intoxication is not only materialistic but it is deadly habitude, eventually he suffers from phthisis"

Everyone was oblivious to this truth. Arjun's statements were like crash of thunderbolts. Draupadi looked at her and then moved to face him, "Aarya Arjun, how do you know all of this and others do not? What would have the acceptance lead to?" He sighed and a smile emerged on his lips as he announced, "Madhav"

The archer went ahead now standing in the centre under glass chandelier and continued, "Previously, during my visit to Dwarka, Madhav once was telling me about northern kingdoms, so arose then, the land of Kausamb, his princes and contradiction in them. Mukund's life is in jeopardy due to his overindulgence in amorous pursuits. It is the need of the hour for the sheer welfare of its citizens to have a right ruling entity"

This was a hard like a thunderstorm for the eldest. Yudhishthir returned his younger's gazes with remorse. "It all appears as a camouflage from the distant. I was entirely unaware of-of all-" Sahdev tried to ease the place, "Good heavens. We have not sent the acceptance yet. It is all god's grace!"

Simran watched the shadow, realizing the presence of Yudhishthir's beside her at the window pane. "I simply had a wish, wanted to see you happy and settled in life. Rajjyotishi prophecized that your destiny will approach you and just then this proposal arrived so we thought that-" he paused and then said, "I am extremely apologetic. I should have known that being the eldest and superior comes with responsibilities and-" with her teary glance, he stopped when she shook her head in a negative.

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