25. Solivagant

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Solivagant. Latin sōlivagāns, from sōlus.\sōˈlivəgənt\ a solitary wanderer who revels in wandering alone.

SAHDEV WAS STROLLING IN THE GARDENS, a bling in a fading blur from the pearls in amaranthine sky the crescent of silver enrapturing him, the twilight always took him over the moon

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SAHDEV WAS STROLLING IN THE GARDENS, a bling in a fading blur from the pearls in amaranthine sky the crescent of silver enrapturing him, the twilight always took him over the moon. He was feeling apprehensive.

Intuitions or foreboding; is that a curse?

Two horses barged inside the gates of  palace like lightning and thunder, but everything wasn't in a good space still he reassured himself for the sake of a beacon of hope. The riders brusquely ran to him, with his brother swarmed in an emergency.

"You are late from the usual" he spoke to his elder as he approached him in a haste. "Sahdev, I've no time to explain the snafu, tell me where is everyone?" Arjun had enquired panting heavily. "Bhrata Bheem and Nakul probably in the kitchen and Jyestha and Panchali are in her chamber, their dice game is still on. You look worried. What's the matter?" Sahdev knew his intuition and their uneasiness has a relation.

"A brahmin informed us. The cows have been stolen"

Simran shouted from the horse stable putting Saibya and Purple in the shed. Sahdev ran his hand over his temple, "Bhrata if I am not wrong those cows were for the nagarpujan which stands mandatory to perform before we can proceed for the rajsuya yagya?" Arjun nodded as the three moved inside the palace corridors and Sabyasachi was explaining the immediate plan of the action.

"You and Nakul stay vigil and Bhrata Bheem shall protect the fortification maybe it's an attack on the palace if all of us are on the outskirts, Simran you go take over the cowherds with the help of vaidya and I shall go to retrieve the cows"

The Madreya and Simran had moved to the kitchen area leaving Arjun in contrasting direction. "Tomorrow is the ideal and auspicious day for the nagarpujan, we cannot delay" Sahdev added rushing to the arsenal. "Those cows are coming from Hastinapur?" She questioned and he nodded before they parted ways to the prearranged destinations answering. "A brahmin was assigned to bring the cows and they are now stolen, the gods are so angry at us"

Although the girl from kaliyug knew the events and sequence of the epic Mahabharat, but not everything here was how the books, scriptures and tv series potray in adaptations.

Taking out necessary medications for the cowherds from the large shelves, she saw Bheem swaggering with his big mace on his shoulder towards the fortification of the palace. Nakul and Sahdev's panicked commotion caught her attention, who already arrived in the medical chambers. "Has Bhrata Arjun left?" Nakul asked taking a few potions from the vials. "I believe, he went inside to take his Gandiva" she answered tying her hair in a low bun. She passed those acorus and bombax leaves to ayurvati who ground them in a paste and squeeze out the juices in a container that Nakul has already filled with his celestial medicines.

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