33. Catharsis

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Catharsis /kəˈθɑːsɪs/ from Greek katharsis. the purging or release of emotional tension through art or music.


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EXHILARATION, LOVE BESTOWS THAT. It was proven by someone's raised heartbeat and frissons.

She was bone crashed in someone's arms as the chamber reverberated in heartfelt gleeful laughter. For it was  almost midnight when she entered the royal palace coming back from her solitary escape and adding to it was the pitch black darkness in the corridors.

Dangling of ornaments rang in her ears accompanied with squeals of joys. "Subhadra" she sighed out of relief, gasping as she placed her palm on her bosom "You just almost scared me!" The dusky princess of Dwarka motioned inside holding Simran's hand like secret keepers and sisters prefer to.

They pooled down on the plunge silk mattress beneath while their legs still moved to and fro, anklets ringing in harmony. "I can take that from the fast heartbeats, you were!" Subhadra was already swarmed in golden glows of redemancy. "Someone's heart is thumping perhaps for a better reason, I suppose" the girl from kaliyug then moved to her side only to watch her dusky friend in getting scarlets and crimson. "I just hope Bhrata Balram and others agree after we take the step tomorrow" Subhadra's arched brows frowned a bit as she counted the beads of her lariat necklace. "I am sure he will. All of them" the ebony haired woman placed a hand on her fidgety fingers and earned a smile of convinced hopes.

Simran rolled over her waist with a  stomp swishing the flickering lamp on the spruce ivory table beside. "Sleep dear Subhadra it is a big day for you tomorrow" she added watching her sleep down in dreams of her man as the moonbeams engulfed the city of Dwarka in peaceful slumber.

At the hour of madrugada, the clear sky with patches of white cloud was still purple. A stroke of orange from the east was cracking from the layers embarking the break of dawn soon.

"Go Subhadra! Your man is waiting for you!" she whispered giving her an affectionate embrace. Subhadra had smiled and her doe black eyes blinked gleefully in return. She rushed outside from the exterior door of the flower gardens in backyard. The girl from kaliyug was standing at a mezzanine from where the vista was a landscape.

The maiden ray of dawn fell on his copper eyes making it more alluring. The golden lining around his large frame, the slightly soiled saffron and his matted dreadlocks can still sweep her off her feet. He held his Gandiva strongly and extended his other rough palm to Yadav princess who readily placed her soft hand in his. Krishna, who looked fresh as a daisy was now already instructing them of some of essential details resting his arms on his waist. Subhadra then closed her fist around halter ropes and reigns of the chariot, Arjun disguised as a sage stood behind her. The chariot raced outside the main entrance of the palace pacing up.

She came down from the level and was standing beside Krishna now. He held her hand gently as they watched the sheer sandstorm until the chariot didn't vanish from their sight. Simran wrapped her arms around his back and her eternal best friend returned the embrace by caressing her head. "Selfless? Thank you!" He said cupping her face as she endeavored to hold my tears. "Needless!" she just smiled watching him wiping a warm trail from her corneas.

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