22. Appetence

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Appetency. early 17th century: from Latin appetentia /ˈapɪt(ə)nsi/ noun: appetence, a longing or desire.


Simran's voice was cold and stern. She just saw the messenger of Hastinapur exiting from the palace as she reached Indraprastha. Therefore the bestest to avoid everybody's questionnaire, it is easy to just go and hide in sleep, this was her emergence mettle.

She stormed in festooned corridors and galleries of the palace leading to her chamber. She was running away as always from everything; her mind was stacked. Hence, she stumbled on the stairs as her red gauzy dupatta in a buoyant stuck in a nail protruding from the sandstone staircase. If this would have been a normal day, she would have spent hours to carefully unfurl the fabric preserving the hand woven embroidery of the silk threads but today, she just pulled it with a force leading to a split in the dupatta

Dashing into her chamber, she took a deep breath, "Do not let anyone in, expect you know!" she ordered the maiden servant standing at the ivory entrance. "Shut every curtain and leave me alone!" further commanding Vrinda and other maids who looked tensed surely because of her rudeness which they had never experienced in the past, did so. The mystery girl then threw herself on the soft and plush mattress.

Though Krishna says it's only for five years but it doesn't feel so, she just let her mind and it's musings consume her, for now becoming adaptive of her surroundings and atmosphere. She has found a homely feeling in Indraprastha. The smell and sights of this chamber are just a mist reflection of her own self. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

My superpower to run away from situations.

"Hail King Yudhishthir. A message of Rajmata Kunti from Hastinapur!"

The king and queen of Indraprastha were sitting lazily in the court hall, trying to decode the states and realms they need to conquer for upcoming events. Just when followed by the messenger, Nakul entered the court with Bheem taking the arrived letter from that messenger. "Will you read the message Anuj?" Yudhishthir said keeping the quills and scrolls aside.

"I was wondering if Hastinapur is fed up of Simran and they are planning to send her back" Bheem laughed at his own jest. "Aarya Nakul please read!" Draupadi closed those charcoal ink bottles ignoring her loud husband's lame joke, so did the eldest Pandava as Madreya began reading.

Putra Yudhishthir,
It is an urgent message. Simran has decided to leave for Indraprastha today itself. I am sending you this message in a hope it might reach you before her arrival to make sure her journey is safe and fine. However, the chances are the letter might reach late. Ample love and blessings to all of you

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