27. Thalassic Souvenir

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Thalassic. from French thalassique, from Greek thalassa sea. /θəˈlasɪk/ relating to the sea. Souvenir. /ˌsuːvəˈnɪə/  a thing that is kept as a reminder

"IS EVERYTHING FINE BETWEEN YOU AND DRAUPADI?" Krishna asked drumming his fingers on the upper rim of the chariot in tunes.

"What do you think?" she answered as her eyes tried to adjust the two figures walking beside in the meadow. "Charioteer! Please Stop!" she said lightly tapping on Krishna's hand taking his gaze to them in order to clear off her uncertainty of their personalities.

The chariot stopped with a standstill and the murky figures in lush blades of grasses looked at them. She stepped down from the chariot, assisted by Krishna in etiquettes, when they saw them approaching.

"Pranipat Vasudev" the man greeted the omniscient one and extended the same towards the girl from kaliyug. She returned the salutation as while Krishna grinned brightly speaking, "Pranipat Angraj, So you are here to visit around the city, Indraprastha is a spectacle!" Simultaneously, Simran was busy looking at the woman, who stood behind the son of Lord Surya.

She was not too tall but not too short. Her black hair were braided and she was dressed in a purple commoners outfit. She was wearing some minimal pieces of jewelry including earrings and a neck piece. "She is Vrushali, my once neighbor and daughter of my father's friend. I am escorting her to the city since her parents have shifted here before Hastinapur had ceased the movement of people from the city" She greeted the two, folding her hands whilst Simran could catch the woman staring at her unpleasantly.

"Simran, I think you would love to help the new citizen of your city to get her  wound cleaned up!" Krishna spoke pointing at her elbow which had a linear bruise and residue of some blood. Karn looked at her friend in a dismay, "Vrushali! Why didn't you tell me before?"

The ebony haired girl was happy to see that concern dripping from Karn's voice, it was clear that he had moved on life. "Karn, I will help her, do not worry. Besides it is a minor cut and blood has been clotted!" she informed examining the wound.Perks of staying with Nakul!

"I know very well Simran, thank you. You are good at dressing wounds and giving one too. I still remember that cut you gave me!" Karn chuckled gesturing his friend to accompany his once love interest. "This wasn't even necessary to mention!" Simran just mumbled, audible to herself only. "While the two returns let us stroll by that woods Angraj, if you don't mind?" The blue lord asked to which the dark haired archer had gladly beckoned an 'after you' gesture to Dwarkadeesh.

Simran accompanied Vrushali to the pond and cleaned up the wound after her several denials. "He still loves you right?" she sighed out damping her elbow with the ends of her dupatta. The future girl then laughed over her shoulder, there's too much that she had to clear of Vrushali's mind and soul.

"No. He does not. In fact sometimes I doubt if that was love!" she finally looked deep into the women's black eyes. "Vrushali what do you think love is?" the commoner woman gazed out in a ponder state and her pink lips curved, "I don't know. But princess-" the notion, for the umpeetenth hour made her roll eyes in exasperation, "Please! I'm not a princess. In fact I'm a commoner just like you in my era. "Call me Simran!" Vrushali looked at her, the refuge and now a family to the sons of Pandu in disbelief.

"Here you are a princess, you are the darling of Pandavas. About your that question—When I eavesdropped the conversation between Radhey's father and Baba that they're planning to get us married, I can only imagine him as the man by my side. If we count this in, then it is Love for me." innocently,  she stared at her face.

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