- Chapter Eight -

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Audrey text me saying she was coming over. I sighed and placed my phone face down onto my bed.

I smile as Sam kisses me. "I want to talk to you after we celebrate." There was a pit that grew in my stomach and I think I knew what he meant. He smiles softly and kisses me again. He pulls away before kissing my palms. I smile back at him and hum out. We've only been seeing each other for two weeks now... he seems to be all in - but I don't.

"How was work today?" I sighed in response, thinking back to her hands on my body. Unholy thoughts. God. is. Watching.

"It was great." I mean, I wasn't lying. "We met up with.... I think it was another law firm?" I think back to the fancy building trying to remember the name of it. I mean I didn't really pay attention because I was... uh, occupied.

"That's cool. You work with Julia?"

"Yeah I'm her assistant. You know, I thought she wouldn't like my casual-ish outfits but she hasn't brought anything up." I saw and watch Sam glance down my body, stopping on the tattoo between my boobs that he is now very familiar with. How scandalous.

We jump slightly as the door to my bedroom bursts open. "Tis I!"  Audrey yells out and I chuckle under my breath. I get up from my bed and she traps me in a bone crushing hug.

"How's Liv?" I watch her sigh.

"She's a handful. I'm lucky my dad loves her to bits." she smiled at me. I could tell something was up.

"Who's Liv?" Sam inserted himself into the conversation before I could ask about what was wrong.

Audrey looks at me cautiously and she tilts her face towards him, "She's my daughter. Teen pregnancy isn't a good look." I bite my lip, my heart sinking at the slight twinkle in his eyes when she brought up kids. Damn bro I've got some bad news for you.

Audrey noticed how silent I was and went to say something before Sam cut her off, "I've always wanted kids. Imagine a mini me!" I take in an uneven breath and glance up at him. I should be used to this but with him I guess I did feel something. He's going to want to stop seeing me. They always do.

"Audrey can I talk to Sam in private," My voice is shaky. She nods and she leaves the room. I think she knew what was coming next. I look at him and watch the worry in his face, "Uhm so I know its really early, but if you do see us together in the future, would you want biological kids?" he huffed out and thought a bit before nodding. I pause trying to muster my courage. Maybe this might scare him off so I can sort my feelings with Julia, "I can't have kids." I say quickly.

"What? why?" he says, there was sadness showing on his face. It made sense. I felt that there was a tiny bit of hope for me to not feel guilty about Julia.

"I have PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome. I'm infertile- I can't have kids naturally." his mouth forms an 'o' and I feel fear rise up in my throat. "There are other ways and it has happened, but I don't think I can go through that emotionally, having that hope being crushed again."

He hugs me, taking me by surprise, "I am so sorry." He sighs out. This is the moment where he say we can't- "We can always adopt or have a surrogate... if you'd have me," That wasn't what I thought he'd say. "You are strong and I'm glad you told me so I don't make you uncomfortable." Fuck off, why is he being nice to me? That was supposed to scare him off.

I can't believe I wanted to scare him off.

"Thank you," I bubble into his shoulder and hug him back. This is new. Hardly any guy is nice to me about this. Normally I get told some excuse or point blank that I'm not a woman if I can't have kids. It's not fun to be told you've lead a guy on cause he doesn't find out until three months in... well Joseph, you never bothered to ask.

I washed my face once I had finished crying from the anxiety I just dealt with and we moved into the living room.

Audrey sat there with a champagne bottle and screamed, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" I smile softly, still freaking out over how well he took that. Normally guys aren't that compassionate when they find out.

I smile out and sit on the couch. "So she told you that she's dusty and musty in her womb so wooooo you don't need condoms," She clapped and I laughed, grabbing a glass from the table. Sam stares at her in horror and looked at me to see how I took it. A smile pulled at my lips.

"We've learned to joke about it. I've known for a few years now. It's really only a thing that older women get but ta-dah!" I smile at him and watch him relax, his hand holding mine. "but we're still using condoms."

This was really nice, just the three of us.

"If you want me to surrogate then I'll unhappily do so," Audrey winked at us and I snorted, Sam still chuckling nervously.

We sat watching movies on Netflix before starting to watch glee. I clutch my stomach feeling a sharp pain. I run to the bathroom and pull down my pants and underwear to check if I was bleeding. I've only been caught out a few times but it still worries me every time.

When I check, there's no blood. "Damn, just pains." I lean my head on my sink, thinking over the day.

Fuck you fucking period fucking suck fucky fuck.

It was, honestly, really sweet of Sam but I just wish he would give me a reason to give up on him. I wash my hands and leave the bathroom.

"No period?" I shake my head at Audrey and slump down on the couch. Sam soothes me by rubbing my arm. I snuggle into him as the night went on.

"Thank you so much, Audrey, for coming over. I'll message you tomorrow." I smile and hug her before she glanced at Sam then back to me.

She leans in to my ear, "He's got a horny face on." I roll my eyes and tell her goodbye.

I sigh out, close the door and turn around before squealing out from Sam crashing his lips on mine.

She was right.

Gotta love Audrey

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