- Chapter Seventeen -

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"You have got to be kidding me." Audrey spat and looked over to me as if she was in pain, "How is he gonna recover from that? Everyone saw him!"

"It's John Walker- he'll find a way to be the victim." I chuckle out and shove a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. "I'm just waiting for him to blame Sam and Bucky."

Liv had fallen asleep in the other room, Audrey bought a baby monitor so we would glance at it every couple of minutes to make sure she was okay.

"Ugh, I would love Bucky to choke me." Audrey laughed and I looked over at her.

"You fucking weirdo!" I throw the remote at her.

We sit in silence watching the screen before Rey sighed out. "This is like when we were sixteen." She positioned herself to face me and I paused the show. "Remember when you got dumped by that guy, he was like your online boyfriend or something-"

"He was not my online boyfriend!" I interrupt her.

"Well, anyways. We had gotten ice cream because you were distraught that he wasn't Harry Shum jr."

"He was hot in glee!"

"I only remember him because his mom was the mom in teen wolf was she not." She chuckled before shoving ice cream into her mouth. "Anyways, we stole some of your parent's alcohol and we watched civil war cause you had been ranting and raving about it being this amazing new movie."

I smile at the memory, "we ended up making ourselves sick, my parents caught us with their alcohol and grounded me for a week and they told your mom."

"Yeah." She looked over to me, "everything was simple then. We had so much of the world ahead of us." She seemed very somber. Which was fair enough. I unpaused the show and we continued watching until we passed out on the couch.

There was an annoying sound that echoed through my head. It stopped and I rolled in my sleep before feeling a hard object connect with my back.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelp out in pain, now fully awake.

"Oo sorry!" I heard Audrey apologise, "Your boss has been calling you for, like, half an hour."

"Right, thanks." I groan out and get up off of the couch. I pick up my phone and move into my room. "Hi..." I say weakly.

"How are you?" I hear her voice, it was soft and comforting.

I sigh out, "I'm a bit sore but I'm fine..."

She was quick to jump on that information, "Wait, why are you sore? What happened?"

"It's fine Julia." I check the time on my clock above my desk and sigh out, "I'll be at your office in an hour."

"You don't have to-" I know she thinks I'm pathetic.

"I don't need your pity, Julia. I need to get my mind off of what happened." And she was the perfect distraction.

To be honest, I had devoted most of my life to hiding my feelings by working. It wasn't the most healthy coping mechanism but it works.

"...fine. But you're taking it slow." I love it when she talks all strict wink wink.

I hung up and threw my phone onto my bed, rummaging through my closet. I glance at the cuts on my left thigh and try to pull jeans on. I moved about and hissed in pain. "No pants, then." I cringe and pull a skirt over my head, trying to desperately avoid my injuries.

I walk out into the main area and Audrey glanced at my leg. "How did you get so much glass in your thigh? Geez he couldn't have picked a cleaner location to harass you?" I roll my eyes and pull her in for a hug before kissing Liv on the cheek.

"Bye, you've got the spare keys so make sure to lock up."

"Will do." She said and I knew she had that sad look she gives me whenever she feels guilty.

I walk into the office and am met with Julia's face filled with worry.

As I take everything I realize I need to change the locks and move the keys from Jeremy.

"Love, what happened?" She almost whispers as her hands made their way to my waist.

"I slipped by accident, it's fine." I lie through my teeth and hope she dropped it because I do not wanna hold a conversation for too long with her. Otherwise I might just do something I regret.

I think I'm most hung up about the fact he was in my house. He has his own place.

"You don't get that," she motioned to my thigh, "by accident. It's not fine." Her fingers traced circles on my hip. There may have been fabric between the skin but I still felt every spark.

I pull away before clearing my throat. "I would like a separate desk, preferably over next to the window or outside your office."

She looks at me skeptically, "alright, why?"

"Sharing your space is an inconvenience to you and it'll stop confrontation." She smirked at me as the words left my lips.

"Oh, 'confrontation' is one word for it." She pulled me closer by my uninjured thigh. My breath caught in my throat.

"It's unprofessional." I continue listing off reasons and feel my face heat up when her teeth skimmed my earlobe.

"Is this unprofessional enough for you?" She whispers lowly into my ear.

I hate to admit it but I totally wouldn't be against her just doing anything she wants- I'm not that heartbroken over Sam. We never were far enough to have a lasting impact.

Whatever makes you sleep tonight.

"I just got cheated on, Julia."

"Oh princess, you keep making excuses." Princess? PRINCESS? Every slick word that left her mouth enchanted me.

"You are making this so difficult." I whisper back to her, watching as she held a smug look when she pulled away from my neck.

"Good, Princess." She grinned as she knew my reaction would be entertaining. She let go of me and made her way to her desk. "You'll have a desk outside for tomorrow."

I release a breath I had been holding and sunk into my chair across from her.

The worst part about all this was that I enjoyed it. Every last bit of it.

Julia's outfit

———————————————————————Julia's outfit

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Eden's outfit

Eden's outfit

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