- Chapter Two -

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God knows how long the ghost and I had stayed there, our bodies pressed against one another. The couples that had originally been in the hallway with us had migrated somewhere else and we were gifted complete privacy.

After a few more minutes of swaying, I realised I never got her name. I mean, I didn't mind, it added to the atmosphere. I hadn't asked either so it completely serves me right.

We got carried away... I got carried away. I never got to message Audrey to ask where she was. I should probably go back and find her. But, the ghost's strong gaze held mine as she smiled at me. My stomach fluttered and I glanced away nervously.

"I enjoyed that, Eden." the corner of her lips lifted as my face began burning up while I stared into the wall opposite of us. I finally grew the confidence to meet her gaze again.

Oh yeah, immediately I regret it.

I brought her hand to my thigh and I wrapped my arm behind her neck. My confidence quickly began to falter and although I kept a confident facade, I grew nervous. To the point, I thought my heart could burst out of my chest. It's not as if anyone was here to see us, to... interrupt us.

Her gaze grew more intense and the color of her eyes appeared to grow darker as she brought her face closer to mines, the shadows making her pupils the same color as the iris. 

She bit her bottom lip again as she pressed our bodies together and brought my thigh up so it was against her hip. My back quickly found the wall. The heat grew trapped in between our bodies as I watched her scan my face, taking it in. This was fine, I was happy with this being the only taste of the ghost I'd get.

"You really look amazing." A smile lifted at her lips and with her free hand, she played with a necklace I was wearing. Every time her skin brushed against mine, a quick breath caught in my throat.

She was really close to me now, wow.

I felt myself grow light-headed from the adrenaline pumping through my body. "I can say the same about you," I said breathy and fisted her shirt trying to pull her closer.

Damn bitch go for it.

She cleared her throat and pulled away slightly, letting go of my thigh. Chuckling as if snatched from a daydream.

And by the looks of her face, it was a good one.

"You're fun. I like you. I hope to see you again soon- we can do this again." She said and squeezed my elbow before disappearing into a room. Leaving me alone and in shock. 

I highly doubt we'll see each other again. These kinds of people you end up fucking once and then you never see them again. But the worst part was I never got to fuck her.

With the sudden disappearance, I thought over the chain of events as if she was never there in the first place. She really was a ghost. I stood there with wide eyes and a smile pulling at my lips.

My face grew hot. I stood there, stunned for a few minutes before the guy from earlier stumbled in, startling me out of my daze.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelped.

"My name is Sam." He smiled and earned an awkward laugh from me. "Audrey saw us talking earlier on and asked me to come to find you. She needs to make an emergency exit."

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