- Chapter Forty Two -

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"Morning Zack!" I grin as the presence left his room. "Stop standing there like a bad smell, come have breakfast."

"Why are you so cheery?" He grumbled and shoved some of the crepe into his mouth. "It's scary."

"Today's the day." I sit down next to him. "My dad's getting the cure today. And I will be there with him in the hospital and it'll be great and my dad will be fine."

"He's not waited a year for nothing." He mumbled and let his head rest on the counter. "When are you going?"

"An hour." I say and sip my orange juice.

"Good luck dad." Zack cheered sleepily.

"Good luck, dad." I let go of his hand, my mom and brother next to me. "He'll be fine." I reassured us.

We stayed there for hours until he was finally out of the surgery; It was a weird thing where he had to have something removed before they gave him the cure.

"He won't be awake until tomorrow so you can take turns staying with him." The doctor told us in French and I thanked him.

The next day he opened his eyes while I was staying with him, he looked like he was in pain.

"Hey," he said softly and I smiled at him.


"It went well?" He asked hopeful. I nodded and he let it sink in. "I won't be sick anymore?" He held my hand tight.

"You're going to be fine dad."

"How is he?" Sofie asked as she stood at the entrance waiting anxiously, "did it go well?"

"Yes he's going to be fine." I smiled and she wrapped me in a gentle hug. "Woke up this morning."

My family over the year had grown to love my friends, welcoming the three of them into the family.

"Where's Sierra?" I asked. We stayed friends, too scared to take the next step. We'd catch each other staring for a second too long, checking each other out but we just gave it time.

"I think she's with the boss. He is making her do your job part time so you can go to your dad whenever." Zack groaned and spun around at his new desk. "You should probably talk to her when she gets back, she was looking for you."

Oh my god really? I feel like a giddy teenager again.

"Mkay," I say and sit down at my desk logging into my computer and sorting the schedule for the day, updating that Mr Blanchet was out and made sure to make a note to work extra hard today.

At lunch time I sat in the kitchen area, taking in the view as I drank coffee.

"Zack said it went well." A familiar gravelly voice echoed in the room from behind me. She shut the door making sure no one could hear us.

"What are you planning?" I said and she scrunched up her face, implying there would be nothing, walking towards me.

"Don't know what you're talking about." She stood next to me.

"Just say it." I put down my coffee cup.

"Just give me one chance. I'll take you on a date," she smiled down at me and I looked away thinking about it.

"Fine. But no trying to get in my pants. You've been trying for the past year... you should know it doesn't work."

"Mhm," she hummed happily and kissed my cheek. "Won't regret it!" She stumbled out of the room.

A small smile stretched my lips as I placed my mug in the sink.

A date would be nice.

"I wanted to show you my favourite place." She guided me onto the cliff edge.

"Your favourite place to kill people?" I teased.

"Oh yeah." She sat down and looked out. It was the perfect view of the city. You could see the streetlights lit looking like fairy lights and the Eiffel Tower in all her beauty. "No better place than here." She pulled me closer to her by my waist.

"I'm sure I can think of a few other places..." I trail off as my eyes met her lips. The need to grow closer took hold of me and before I knew it her lips were on mine again. We had waited so many months for this moment.

Her hand made its way to my waist pulling me closer as I smile knowingly.

A year of waiting for an explosive kiss I've only felt with one other person. And she was slowly moving to the back of my mind. The pain healing and the scab falling off, leaving perfectly normal skin underneath. A disappointing feeling when you realise how quickly it fixed itself and you could no longer pick at the scab.

"I want to date again." I let out later in the night. Her head snapped so she could look at my face.

"Really? Who with?" She says. She thinks she's sly.

"The Michelin man," I joke. "Who do you think?"

"It'd be an honour." She held my hand. "We can take it slow." She said before kissing my shoulder.

The butterflies kicked up and my brain finally allowed me to give in, to get over my past and stop with the self sabotage and just be happy with the girl I like.

No drama. Just a normal girl.

Except she wasn't just normal. She was better than any normal human being. Sierra was kind and caring and hot and mysterious and the only bad thing is that she smokes.

She had offered to stop when we first became friends although I never wanted to admit I did like watching her smoke. Taking a drag, watching her jaw clench when she exhaled.

Now after a year, I get to make my move. I get to grow up and have a good relationship.

I'm starting the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo let's hope it's good.

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