- Chapter Eleven -

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"What were you going to say before Audrey burst in?" I ask and imagine stabbing Audrey for interrupting because the guy I rejected was out with a friend.

"It was nothing, drop it." just back to square one. I sigh dramatically and slump over her desk. "Sit up." She commands.

When I don't move she stands up from her chair again. I watch as she walks around her desk to stand next to me. My eyes track her as she crouches, so she was eye level with me, because I'm not getting out of this seat. She spun the chair to face her.

"I'm not going to drop it-" I try to ignore how close we were.

My argument was cut off by her hand cupping my mouth. I roll my eyes and put my hand over hers and raise an eyebrow at her. She lowers her hand and rests it on my knee leaving a burning sensation on the area, "are you done now?" She says flatly.

"No, I am not-" I roll my eyes as she covered my mouth again. I thought of the genius idea to lick her hand. She withdrew her hand as if she was wounded and looked at me as if I was insane.

"Did- hm? Did you just lick me?" After a moment of disbelief, she wiped her hand on her pants and I nodded.

"Yeah, it always works. Now, please would you so kindly tell me what you were going to say," I watch her contemplate her thoughts.

"No- I wanna know what the girl meant." She paused and looked off as if remembering, "I get why you're into her" she quoted and I felt the need to slam my face into the desk. She smiled as she brought her face closer. My breath catches at the back of my throat as I felt myself lean forward. What the fuck you have a Sam. "Have you got feelings for me, Ms McLaughlin?"

My mouth hung open as my eyes stayed on her lips. Finally after a painstakingly long second, she pulls away victoriously.

"Can you get us coffee?" She smiled sweetly and squeezed my thigh. Ughhhhhhh.

"How about no." I say and get up anyway. I go down to the main floor and stop at the desk. "Hey Olivia, you wanna go on that coffee date?"

"Yeah I'm just about on break anyways." She smiles and waved over someone.

We leave the building and went to a cafe nearby. I pause and see Sam there- he's with a girl.

Seriously Eden, stop.

I bite my lip as I watch them smiling and laughing and holding hands?

Eden. It. Means. Nothing.

I'm just making it up. It's just the perspective I'm sure it just looks like that to me.

Olivia noticed how tense I was and grabs my hand which eased my nerves. We entered and I watched as Sam sees me, his grip on the girl's hand loosened.

This is so dumb I'm overreacting. We sit down at a table and I pull out my phone to see Julia messaged me her order. I rolled my eyes before copying it into my notes. I ask Olivia for her order and go up to the worker.

I order our drinks and then as I go to sit back down I feel something clamp around my wrist. I yank it away, before realizing it was Sam.

"What are you doing here?" He says seriously.

"Getting coffee with my friend?" I answer back. I look back to the table as the girl was staring at him. "Who's that?"

"Jenna. She's a friend." I nod before he guided me by my wrist, taking me into the women's toilets.

"Sam, what are you- oh." He crashes his lips against mine and I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. "What was that for?"

He pulls away with a smile, "Nothing. I'll see you at home. I love you." He smiles at me gently before connecting our lips together again and then left.

He said he loved me. I grin to myself as I grew giddy. I guess I'll see him at home? That's not very taking it slow of you Eden.

I walk over to Olivia and see that the coffee was there at the table. I got Julia's coffee in a to go cup. I sat with Olivia. Sam stealing glances every now and then before we packed up and left.

I walked into Julia's office and saw the girl with a hijab on again. "Sarah, right?"

"Sara but it's okay. It's like Zara but with an S." She flashed a charming smiled at me and glanced back at Julia, "Think about what I said." She strutted out of the office and I placed Julia's coffee down on the desk.

"You took an hour."

"You didn't specify when to get back by, so." I smile at her and she looks up at me. I feel curiosity seep into my veins. "What was Sara," I put emphasis on saying her name correctly, "talking about?"

"Well I'm going to have to stay here all night so is it alright if you stay with me? I won't be able to get this done alone."

I bit my lip and think about Sam. I'll text him.

"Ugh, fine I guess." I slump into my chair and I pick at a spot on my arm.

"Don't do that you'll make it worse." She says commanding and I stop absentmindedly. "Good girl." I freeze and look at her. She didn't pay it any attention. Did she? Does she understand what that meant? Of course she does don't be stupid.

I clear my throat and cross my arms, trying to ignore the feeling in my stomach. "Stop it Eden." I muttered out not thinking she would hear me. I pull out my phone and text Sam, saying that I have to stay later and he can just go to his apartment.

Did he go to another girl because I didn't want to be his girlfriend? It's not like he has said anything that he would be upset about it... Do I have a right to be upset when he might think I'm leading him on? Am I leading him on?

"-Can you stop eye fucking me, Eden." Julia grumbles out pulling me out of my thoughts and I noticed I had zoned out while looking at her.

"I'm not eye fucking you." I say like a defiant toddler.

"We all know you were." She teased and I watched as she stood up and again walked over to the table with a glass of some clear liquid. I get up, realizing she does this a lot. I face her when she moves towards me, the glass in her hand and walk backwards until I feel the desk stop me.

I gulp slightly as she stopped in front of me, placing the glass down on the desk.

My breathing grew shallow as she traced patterns on my bare thigh. I wouldn't be panicking as much if she didn't genuinely make me feel good. I sigh out as her hand slipped under my skirt. I let my head lean into the nook of her neck.

Everything was screaming at me to stop but I couldn't. I didn't want to. "Does he make you feel this way?"


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