- Chapter Twenty Eight -

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"Was that you making it up to me?" I say out of breath and Julia looks over at me with a smile.

"There's a lot more in store for you if you think that was me making it up to you." She winked and I rolled my eyes before getting up from her desk. All of her paperwork and decorations were scattered on the floor. "I wanted to take you out to dinner on the fourth but we have that party."

"Don't forget your parents are having a party in three weeks." I add on and she freezes.

"Shit. You're gonna meet my parents." She stood up and moved over to a table with alcohol and glasses. "They're really... strict." She murmured.

"I'm sure they'll love me," I say and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She sighs out. "Penny for your thoughts?" I say quietly and she shakes her head, turning to face me in my hold.

"You are aware that the girl I was talking about to Eugene was you, right?" She says softly and takes a swig of the whiskey in her hand.

"Oh no I thought you were gonna take Cathy," I joke and she looks at me grossed out.

"Ew no!" She said like a kid and I snorted. "Cathy's been trying to get with me for a while. Now that you're here she's trying harder."

"So I'm a threat to her?"

"Most definitely. She's just mad I like you better." She says and leans down to capture my lips between hers. The taste of alcohol was still on her tongue.

I pull away and scratch my cheek. "I should probably put my clothes back on." I move over and pick up my clothes from the messy floor.

"Eden. I want to talk to you tomorrow." Julia smiles and hands me a glass.

"We've been seeing each other for a while now, right?" Julia looks up at me as I pull my shirt back on. I thought about it for a minute. it's been a month now. We've known each other for a few months now.

"Uhm, yes... I guess," I look at her and rest my arms over her shoulders.

She paused before working up the courage, "well don't you think it's time that we take the next step..." She grins at me and I feel my smile grow wider. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I squealed. "I wasn't expecting that you'd ask me." We sat in silence, taking in each other's faces. I could never get bored of her face. Everything was perfect about her. It was too good to be true.

"Stay at my place for a while." Her voice captivated me. "And we can see about Paris, you know? For your dad."

I nod and nuzzle my face in her neck. "I'd love that." I pull away and just stare at her face. I thought she would never ask.

We finished work and she held my hand as she guided me to her car. "You've never brought me to your place before." I say as she starts driving.

"Well now I'm bringing you over a lot more." She glanced over at me with a warm smile. Her brown eyes showing me her soul.

I feel my chest swell as we walked into her apartment and I glance at the massive open space. She took my hand and nuzzled her face in my neck, nipping and biting at the skin.

Julia pulled her face back and searched my face before connecting our lips. "I'm so happy right now," she said between kisses.

"Me too." I sigh as she makes her way to my neck. I pull away and explore around her place. I pushed open a door into her bedroom, looking around and pausing at a familiar harness. "Julia you have a strap?!" I yell at her and she ran over to me. A strap. She has a strap. Does she use it? Do other people use it? I have so many questions.

"Yes, baby, I do. You want to try it?" She said, giddy. I felt my knees go weak at her calling me baby.

"Nope." I say and make my way to her bed, falling onto it. "Your place is so nice."

"Thank you." She said and slumped next to me and kissed my cheek. "Whenever you wanna come over just say. I'll find a way to get you here." She grins.

I giggle when she pulls me on top of her and hugged me. I don't think it had sunk in that we were now girlfriends. "You're my girlfriend." I squeal. "Julia Manuel is my girlfriend bitches!"

She laughed at my excitement and she looked at me with doe eyes and a soft smile. "Eden McLaughlin is my girlfriend." She pauses before adding, "bitches." She cups my face. "You make me feel so strongly. When I'm with you its like my emotions are heightened." She said and connected our lips softly.

"I love you." I whisper into the kiss and I let my nails lightly drag down her cheek. A moan slipped from her lips as she moved her hands to my ass, pulling me closer. I did it. I didn't mean to. But I said it. How's that for moving fast? I did it.

"I will never get tired of hearing you say that." She grinned and then slapped my ass... which weirdly comforted me, "okay what do you want for dinner? Should we make something or order in?" I look off around her room thinking.

"Can we order pizza? I do love some well done pizzas from Joe's." Which funnily enough is Joe's from the bar. His son took over the business but still.

"Of course." She said and pulled her laptop over to her. We had went to pick it up and his son welcomed me with open arms. We finally got back to Julia's place. We sat and ate pizza. It was great I loved it.



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