- Chapter Twenty Five -

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I was in the kitchen helping make dinner, Julia next to me. This was something I felt I could do forever. Be next to her doing random domestic tasks. It made me excited for the future. Our future.

My mom pulled my sleeve and took me to the side. "Explain now." She said strictly. I panic.

"Explain what?"

"Why Julia Manuel is in my kitchen acting like a housewife with my daughter." My mom looks at me expectantly.

"I'm her PA." I smile at her. She shakes her head.

"Well you sure don't act like it. If she's your boss then why did she come to a random holiday so you could see your dad before he goes off again?"

I roll my eyes. "Cause she's caring and sweet. She doesn't know about dad. I didn't tell her anything." I say and quickly change the subject. "This means we can go to France and get dad the care he's always needed." I whisper loudly without meaning too. "Trust me, mom. Julia's good. She's kind and passionate and creative." I gush and my mom's stance relaxes as she looks over to the tall girl at the counter.

"I will kill her when she hurts you. I do not care." My mom says and moves to her room to make sure my dad was ready to get up.

I make my way over to Julia again. "How's the food coming along?" I say and stand next to her.

She smiles softly and placed a hand on the small of my back. Goosebumps danced along my skin. "It's doing good, love."

We go back to work. I giggle as she stands behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and helping me to sort the ingredients. She rested her chin on my shoulder.

As we giggle at each other, we freeze when my brother walk in. "This isn't very boss-coworkery of y'all." He quips.

We both freeze up and Julia turns around, removing her arms from my waist and resting next to me against the counter. "Oh so you don't have sex with your boss? Oh wow how boring." As the words leave her mouth both William and I let our jaws drop.

"Julia? J- Julia!" I say and felt fear creep up on me as my dad stood at the doorway with a big grin.

"It's good to see you my little cherub." My dad said and his raspy voice moved through the room. He made his way towards me, wrapping me in a secure hug. I wrap my arms around his waist and burrow my face on his shoulder, feeling tears prick in my eyes. I've missed him so much. I take in his familiar scent that was now foiled by the smell of the hospital.

He pulled away with soft eyes before moving his now cold gaze to Julia. "Well I guess you're the girl that has sex with my daughter." He said with a deadpanned face. Julia must regret saying that to William now.

Julia gulped loudly. "Uhm." She says flustered and I could hear how panicked she was. This was priceless.

"Steven!" My mom slapped his arm. He looked at her like 'what?' And she shakes her head at him. He grins and scoops her into a hug.

"You can never be mad at me for long." My dad grinned at her and she chuckled he placed kisses all over her face while she squealed. William and I glanced at each other awkwardly before they realised we were staring. My dad pulled away and placed a hand on Julia's shoulder. "Anyways, Manuel. Not just anyone can be with my little girl." He crossed his arms, flexing off his muscles and scars. "I'll be keeping an eye on you." He says before spluttering into a cough and moving away from her. I see worry pull at her face.

My mom went to comfort him but he held a hand out telling her it was fine. He violently coughed before finally recovering.

"Uh huh. Sure dad." I say to change the subject and break the tension. I look up at Julia and she placed a hand on the small of my back again, smiling softly at me.

William cleared his throat at us and points to her hand, "They're touching!" He yells and I go to open my mouth before my dad covers it with his hand. Reminding me of Julia and I's interaction from not that long ago.

"Hands off my daughter, you fiend!" My dad waves his finger at her and she slides away from me with her hands up.

And that was what the rest of the night was like. I felt like a teenager again having to sneak kisses and touches without my family seeing.

It was sometimes effective but we got caught multiple times. My dad started carrying a fly swatter around when he tried to track us down when we had disappeared.

We were currently hiding in a closet. She nipped at the skin on my neck as I held back my squeals and moans. She had a hand under my shirt playing with my nipple. I couldn't hold back anymore and moaned quietly, she muffled it by kissing me again. I let my breathing grow louder and so did she.

"My dad's so going to catch us." I murmur between kisses.

"Oh yeah, definitely." She said and smiled into the kiss before slipping her hand into my pants. I moaned again and steadied myself against a shelf as I let my head fall back.

Just my luck, the shelf was loose and fell off. I slipped and squealed but Julia caught me before I could hurt myself. "Thanks," I said breathily and she smiled at me. We paused for a second waiting for my dad to burst in. Julia even had removed her hand when I fell and kept it away to be safe. We sat in silence waiting. When nothing happened she put her hand back.

When my dad caught us, we normally heard him coming so we could move away or fix our clothing so it looked like he was being paranoid.

"No problem, love." She pulled me closer to her and just as our lips were about to connect, when I let out a moan, the closet door was thrown open.

"A-HA!" My dad screamed and then squealed and turned around. "I didn't think y'all were actually doing shit. Jesus, what? I didn't need to see that Eden!"

I make sounds in protest and we push out of the closet. "But-"

"Dinners ready!" I heard William come over and as he saw us he burst out into laughter. "Ew." He said quickly and then left.

We had dinner and finally got ready for bed. My dad had told Julia to sleep on the floor but she snuck in with me when we heard everyone go to their rooms.

"Why does your dad look like Pierce Brosnan?" I scoffed at the comment and rolled my eyes. "No really, you have really attractive parents." I kissed her to stop her from rambling more. She kissed back hungrily and as she pulled me on top of her I giggled.

"Thanks." I say before she pulls off my top.


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