- Chapter Forty Five -

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"I'm sorry." I shift nervously, "I didn't think you would find me." I bite my cheek. 

"You just disappeared on me Eden!" I look down to avoid her disappointed glare. A bitter taste fills my mouth. "Without an explanation, you just up and left."

I meet her eyes and fight the urge to defend myself because I knew she had every right to be upset at me. "I missed you." I whispered.

"You don't get to miss me. I missed you- so much that it hurt, Eden." She said and calmed down. "You hide well. I never would have found you if you hadn't left tiny, little, annoying clues behind." I furrow my brows, "And you had Diego wrapped around your perfect finger too! He refused to tell me."

"Well, you found me." I cleared my throat, clearing the fear that I felt swimming inside me and grabbed the box with my belongings. "And I just got laid off so I've got to find another job."

"What a shame," Julia said flatly and glanced down at my lips. "I could give you a job again." She muttered. "I shouldn't want you back, but I do."

I chuckle and hug the box in my arms. "We can't happen again. You're married and I'm engaged." I mutter and meet her eyes. The last glimmer of hope left her eyes. "There was a reason I left. I had to move on because I thought you did too."

"I shouldn't have let any of this happen." She ran a hand over her face.

"I fucked up big time. It's fine. All my fault." I whispered and pushed past her. My chest stung as I left the building.

Tears stung at my eyes as I pushed into my apartment. She shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be happy to see her.

"Your apartment is almost the same." Julia says from my couch. I jumped and let out a squeal. I compose myself as I wiped my tears away.

"Well I could afford new furniture with my wages so." I shrug and shove the box onto my coffee table. "How do you know where I live? How did you get in?"

"Magic." She grins and I slump down next to her.

"I've moved on." I say quietly. "You waited four years to come and find me."

"Love," she pauses. I hated how it still made me feel like I was floating, a rush of excitement flowed through me, "I didn't think you'd want to see me... after the Kira situation. She told me she scared you off."


"Of course I wanted to see you!" I raise my voice and then we settled into a silence. "I wanted you to come and shout at me because you loved me enough. But you never did and the next thing I knew you're married and I didn't matter any more so I learned to move on." I let the tears fall. "And the cure didn't even work! So the whole point of me leaving you was rendered pointless!"

The silence was intense. We sat searching each other's eyes. She pulled closer and I felt myself pull with her. Our breaths mix together. "This can't happen." I muttered before her hand trailed up my thigh.

Oh how I'd love to kiss her, I needed to kiss her. Four years of crying over her, four years of wondering if I made the right decision.

Our lips brushed together. The spark running through my body. I pulled away from her and cleared my throat. Even if we spent eternity away from each other with the snap of her fingers I'd come crawling back.

She unbuttoned my shirt. Her lips attached to my neck and I let my head fall back as her tongue danced along my skin. This can't be happening. I can't do this. I want to but I can't.

I pulled on her shirt and paused finally coming back to life, "we can't. I can't hurt Sierra." I look down at her and she frowned. "I've already hurt her now."

"So her name's Sierra." Julia leaned back. "Why can't you leave her for me." The blatant tone knocked the breath out of my chest. "We can make up for lost time."

"Julia, I've built a new life here. That's the whole reason I stayed. Audrey, Ethan and Liv came with me here. I have friends here. More than I did back there." I pause again, feeling the fear swim around my body. "I can't just throw that all away like I did with us. I won't make that mistake again." Apparently I have since my shirt is unbuttoned right now.

"Then don't. We are moving the base here." Julia said nonchalantly. "Its a win win. I was getting bored of New York."

"Alright." I nodded to myself. I turn around and I freeze. "Oh fuck." Wait, wait no.

I heard the lock click.

"Hey, Eden are you- oh..." Zack walked in and froze. He clapped a hand over his eyes. "I saw nothing." He moved with an arm out in front of him, "Sierra is wanting to show up soon so you better pack it up and give her your best excuse."

Julia looks at me worried. "Uhm who is that."

"Wait. I know that voice." Zach said and let his hand fall from his eyes. "No way Eden. No way that Julia Manuel is in our apartment!" He squealed and then ran into his room before quickly running back out. "Why is your ex in our apartment. Sort yourself out bitch."

"That's my roommate. Who normally comes back from college at this time."

Julia leans towards me and captures my lips between hers in a slow kiss. I pulled against it, not letting myself swoon.

She found me.

"Love are you okay?"

"No. I'm not. Stop calling me love."


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