- Chapter Ten -

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I run into the shower before I got to work. Getting out, I slipped and hit my hip off the edge of my toilet seat. I let out a whimper trying to stop myself from crying.

My hip ache.

When I finally recover from the pain, I get dressed. I sigh, grabbing some left over cookies from last night and shove them into my face. I remember to check that my spare keys are still under Jeremy.

I run out the door and bust my ass again. These fucking heels. I think the problem is me running, but I wouldn't actually admit that.

My body was aching as I made my way to work. I know for a fact I'm limping.

I smile as I walk into the familiar building. Who knew a building so filled with light and windows would make me feel energised? Wow. What a revelation.

"Ms. McLaughlin!" I turn around and see Olivia at the front desk as usual. I smile at her and skip over.

"Yo." I grin and watch her hand me some files. I roll my eyes playfully. "Never a free day with you."

She sighs out, "We need to go on a coffee date soon. I am dying to get away from this desk." I smile at her and her dramatic hand movements.

"Definitely, text me and I'll update your contact so we can set something up." I smile at her and tilt my coffee that I got on the way at her, imitating a cheers.

I jump into the elevator. There were three other people in here with me. I tap on Julia's floor and the people look at me like I was abnormal.

Wait mom- am I a celebrity now? Oh my god. Get the camera.

"You got the job?" The blonde guy from the interview taps on my shoulder and has a wide smile on his face.

"Oh- Levin!" I smile awkwardly. "Is this weird cause I got the job and you didn't?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Not at all, I wasn't offered the job but I was given a job here to be an assistant for one of the other higher up Lawyers." He smiled out and I nod thoughtfully. That's cool. I'm happy for him.

I make a mental note to ask Julia about where he works so I can sneak away and talk to him.

It became more lonely as the floors ascended, everyone had left on their floors.

I walk into the office to be met with Julia, studying some documents at her desk. She looked like a goddess.

Her shirt was unbuttoned just far enough that I could see her cleavage. Her sharp collarbones were exposed and I couldn't help but want to run my fingers over them.

I realize I had been staring when she cleared her throat. I jumped back to life before I remember that I'm limping. Her eyes focused on my movements and her expression morphed into disbelief.

"I hope you used protection- can't have you getting pregnant on the job." I was stunned and felt my face grow hot. From anger or embarrassment was something I wasn't aware of.

"Julia, seriously?" It's fine she doesn't know. I'll just guilt trip her later on when she finds out. "And I hoped you wouldn't have an attitude today." I retort and shove the papers onto her desk. I'm not in the mood for bullshit right now.

I roll my eyes and start going through the paperwork. It's got a schedule for Julia's week and I grab some post its from her desk. She let out a sound from the back of her throat and I glare at her. She relaxed against her chair.

Ha ha bitch, I'm the one giving you the cold shoulder first.

We sit working in silence, I glance up to her. She's dead set on her work, who knew she'd be so interested in doing my job for me.

I say... about ten minutes passes and my anger had bubbled up, "What is up with you today?"

"Nothing is up with me." She smiles at me and I roll my eyes at her.

"Julia, I have been working with you over the weekend. I don't need to deal with this childishness." I say under my breath and panic washes through me as I watch her stand up, walking towards me.

She leaned down, swivelling my chair to meet her, "I'm not being childish, I'm being immature. There's a difference." I look past her, squinting my eyes in confusion.

"Is there really?" I regret talking back when she leans down closer to me.

"You chose him, so I'm backing off," I scoff in reply.

"I did not. Your backing off seems to be completely shutting me out. I'm supposed to work with you!" I raise my voice at her watching as she finally leaned back, biting her lip in thought.

"Listen, I-" My eyes widen expecting an excuse to fumble out out her lips. But we both jump as Audrey bursts into the room.

"Sam- he..." She says out of breathe, I look to Julia who was sitting behind her desk again. "I... walked up.... eleven flights... of.... stairs..."

"Audrey, why would- there's an elevator." she shakes it off and stands upright.

"I was so sure I saw Sam out with another girl- and did he not like just confess his love for you last night?" I cringe and turn to Julia, her face was scarily calm.

"Are you the quirky best friend?" I hear Julia say flatly and watch as Audrey finally pays attention to Julia.

She looked offended, "what? No!" she paused, scanning her, "Hmm, yeah I get why you're into her. Eden rejected him by the way." Audrey said absentmindedly and my eyes fly open as I look between the two.

"If it wasn't for Liv, I would murder you." I drop my head into my palm.

"Oops, okay gotta go! Talk to Sam about the girl- she didn't look like a family member!" I sigh out and say bye. That was all? How does she know?

How did she get passed Diego? I have so many questions. Like, so many. We hear a scream outside the office and Diego burst in, blowing air out of his ass.

"Ms. Manuel- I am sorry I don't know why I went up the stairs." He pants and she lets her head fall onto the desk with a thump.

Sam's allowed to have friends without me accusing him of cheating. We aren't together so why does it matter?

He wouldn't be that butt-hurt... would he? Why would he continue to see me if he's already with another girl? I'm the one who rejected him I don't get to feel hurt by this.


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