- Chapter Thirty Six -

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"Thanks for doing this Diego." I sigh as we lean against a wall, everyone gathered into the centre for a big announcement but we hung back since it probably wasn't important.

"No problem. You're like my kid. It's weird. I've not known you for long and we've never had the time to talk outside of work, but I care for you as if you were my flesh and blood." He chuckles and nudges my shoulder. "I'm like a disapproving father with you. Upset with Julia cause she's hurt my little girl."

I felt my eyes sting as I bit back tears. I look up to him with a pained smile. I hug him and bury my face into his shirt.

"Thanks dad." I said with a playful tone and pulled back with a smile. "The weddings in a few months, how do you feel?" I changed the subject and watch him shift as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"So fucking scared. I can't wait for you to meet her." He smiled and glanced around the room, obviously catching someone's gaze. "Julia really likes you. I think we forget that she's probably went back to being a scared kid who's forced into a relationship with a girl that broke her heart."

"You say that like you were there."

"I was." He pursed his lips, "I was new to being a bodyguard so I was assigned to her when she was a teen."

"So you had to deal with all the drama?" I kept my eyes trained on his side profile as he nodded.

The announcement finished and the group dispersed while music started up again.

"Care to dance, little one?" Diego grinned and extended a hand.

"Of course, dad." I smiled at the new nickname. We danced for what felt like hours. Singing and drinking and chatting. I finally got the connection I wanted without it becoming romantic.

He paused and frowned.

"Don't look." He said looking troubled. "Stay over there." He gestures to a hallway with many rooms. "I'll be back."

I stayed facing the wall as he squeezed my arm before leaving. His footsteps instantly disappeared. I make my way to the hallway and hide in one of the rooms.

They seemed to be guest bedrooms. This place was like a massive hotel.

Curiosity swallows me and I start to feel anxious about what happened and peered out of the room seeing everyone as normal.

I sighed out, "sorry Diego." And slipped out of the room and back towards the group of people. A couple of security guards trying to hide their panic.

I yelped when a hand wrapped around my wrist. "Come on, love," Eden said hurriedly and dragged me towards elevators. "I had to pull you away." She smiled as she pressed numbers.

"What's going on?" I ask and Julia turns to me.

"I'm getting married. That was what the announcement was." My heart sank. "Until I can escape, I just want to spend the rest of my time with you." She moved towards me.

"Kira's better for you." I murmured.

"Give me every excuse to not be with you right now." She cupped my face in her hands.

"You've known her longer." I say but clench my hand around her wrists as she aggressively pressed her lips against mine. "You guys probably have better sex." Again. "I slept with Sara." Again. "You're my boss." Again.

This went on until she moved from my neck to my chest, pulling down the dress.

"Who was better?" She said as she connected our lips.

I furrowed my brows and pulled away dazed, "what?"

"Is she better than me in bed?" Julia asked and the elevator door. Two people joined us on the elevator. Julia shielded my chest from them.

"I'm not answering that, Julia."

"Was she that much better than me?" Julia teases. "Guess I'm just gonna have to work extra hard." She grinned and pulled my dress back up.

She dragged me off when the elevator stopped and we entered a fancy room. "Is this a fucking penthouse?" I gawked as I looked around.

"Of course. Now strip." She looks at me blankly as she took off her clothes, "chop chop. I have half an hour before people will come looking for me."

"I'm not supposed to be here. Diego told me-"

"Never mind Diego I miss my girlfriend. Now strip."

I roll my eyes and turned my back to her as I began to strip. I could hear her shuffling before she comes up behind me, only with her panties on. Her bare chest pressed against my back and I let out a shaky breath, her warm hands moved along my skin as she helped me get my dress off.

She peppered kisses along my shoulder as she unclasped my bra, spinning me around by my waist.

"I'm sure I can make you tell me." She grinned wickedly. "I need to prove I'm better than her." She snapped the band of my underwear and pushed me against her. "Go to the kitchen counters." She ordered.

I looked around at the almost full apartment.

With a slight resistance I moved over to the counter and sat on it. "I'm not saying who was better." I muttered.

"Come on, love." She said and stood between my thighs. She kissed me and ran her hands along my skin, shivering and letting me gasp whenever she did something just right. "Talk me through what you remember," she stopped to let me catch my breath as I leaned back on the glass window.

"What are you doing?" I look away. This so some weird kink she has. I sighed heavily. This might be the only action I get from her for the rest of my life so may as well make it worth it, right.

After a minute of internal battles, I took her hand and pressed her fingers into my core. "I'm not telling you." I whispered into her ear and guided her hand to my throat. Julia's eyes widened. As if she woke up from a dream her hands began moving. "I thought about you all night."

Fucking ego boost for you.

"Damn you're perfect for me." She muttered into my neck. My brain buffered for a second processing what she just until she touched me in the right place and I let out a moan. She smiled into my skin. "Told you I'd win."

"Stop it with the comments. Just keep going." I groan at her and she laughed as another moan left my lips.

"Don't want to." She said into my skin. My arms rested on her shoulders and my hands held the back of her neck as she hid her face in mines. My hips bucking against her hand.

This was pathetic Eden.

She moved us over to the couch and connected our lips grinding our hips together. Our moans merging together as we let our hands go everywhere on each other. Desperate for any form of contact.

"What the fuck."

Lord forgive me. Pretend I didn't write that. Shhh.

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