- Chapter Twenty Three -

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I am not ready.

I need the money.

But I can just get another job no biggie.

What am I thinking?

I stood outside of Julia's office, contemplating entering. As much as I'm happy with yesterday my brain had decided that I wasn't good enough and I meant nothing to her. And the fact that she's my boss doesn't help at all.

My thoughts were cut short as the door swung open and I was pulled into the office.

I squeaked as I watched her grin.

"Fuck the meeting- I'm taking you out."

"Julia we can't, this is a major case and the clients are a big company. We need our best on the case." I purse my lips and stand awkwardly.

"Get Eugene and Cathy to do it. I'm taking you out." She grabs my hand and leads me outside and into the elevator.

I was pulled out and into her car. She grins at me as I send messages to Cathy and Eugene telling them about what they need to do.

"Julia, why are you doing this?" I drawl our her name and something flashes in her eyes.

"Don't say my name like that."

"Like what... Julia?" I tease but regret it as she pulls my face towards her. I let out a yelp.

Julia pauses and shakes her head. "Eden this isn't supposed to happen... I'm your boss." She tries to rationalise her choices. "But I just- fuck it." She looks back to me and crashes her lips to mine.

"Julia," I moan out as she pulled me on top of her. See if this wasn't in a car I would be all for it. "You didn't say anything last night, did you?"

I bit her lip as we kissed, tongues connecting.

She pulled away when I rolled my hips against hers without thinking. "Fuck damn," she muttered out. "Hearing you moan my name breaks me. It has too much control over me."

I smile slightly. She looked in my eyes and swiped a hand through her hair.

"We'll finish this later." She said and kissed me one more time. "A rain check."

We had lunch and then returned back to her office. She had asked for privacy on our floor so we wouldn't get interrupted. Because we always do.

I don't know why we couldn't just go to mines, she's the boss she makes the rules.

"Julia," I moaned softly when she placed kisses along my neck. It was weird- she showed affection with touch. For a lawyer she's bad with words.

She positioned herself between my legs and pushed me onto the desk. I shut my eyes as she did what she wanted to me. She left love bites on my skin and told me affirming words at every sound that left my mouth.

Our clothes were quickly discarded on the floor. I was still straddling her on her chair when we had finished.

Everything was pure bliss until Eugene walked in and looked between us, "oh shit okay. Makes sense... jesus what in the fifty shades of grey?" He muttered before walking out and I buried my face in the nook of her neck. We asked for privacy.

I will never show my face again. He'll never look at me the same again.

"We're doing this more often." Julia said between breaths.


"Round two?" Julia grinned and I jumped off of her lap.

"Nononono," I shove my clothes back on.

"Ugh fine."

"What do you like about me?" I ask. "No, don't answer that- that's stupid."

"No it's not. I like a lot about you. You're unapologetically you."

"Kind of a backhanded compliment."

"You have a gorgeous voice. You're so beautiful and you have the youthfulness I never got." She continued after glaring at me. "You're perfect to me."

"Jesus." I swallowed. It coming out of her mouth made it feel more real. "Cool, uhm. We need to make up for the meeting."

"Great another place I can fuck you." She grinned and I slapped her shoulder.

"Oh my god." I say breathlessly and push some buttons on the phone on her desk.

"I also love how you bite your own shoulder- that's a new one." She pulled me onto her lap and before I could go off at her, I heard the phone make a sound on the other line.

"Hi, this is Hannah speaking how can I help you today?" A sweet voice chimed on the other end. Julia looked at me to talk to her.

"Oh- Hi, I'm calling on behalf of Julia Manuel. We had a meeting earlier on but we sent some of our other Lawyers, we wanted to reschedule so that she could talk to them in person."

"Oh yeah of course just give me one second."

She puts me on hold.

After five minutes of Julia playing with my hair and the bare skin around my arms distracting me, we arranged another meeting to consolidate the joining of the companies. The thought of her touching me when we weren't supposed to and the risk of it made me feel excited.

Eugene walks back in and clears his throat. Diego trailed behind him.

"Are you two done?" He jokes and I feel the urge to slam my face into the desk.

Julia smiles at them proud of herself and I slump into her.

"Boys, sit down." Julia says and they immediately sit on a chair. "Tell me something about yourselves. All of you." She commands and all three of us look between each other nervously.

"Uhm, well." I chirp in when there was a silence. "I should be going over to see my family in a few weeks. I have the flight booked and everything."

Julia raises and eyebrow. "So you want time off?"

"Uh, yes- only if that's fine with you I can just cancel it." I start saying defensively... I no longer want to lose my job.

"Then yes but I'm gonna come with you." Julia says nonchalantly and I look up to her with wide eyes, "what? I haven't left the city in months."

She whips her head around to the two boys who are smiling sheepishly, "I'm engaged?" Diego grins and I feel my heart swell.

"Aww congrats."

"Thank you. I took my partner out for dinner, then when we got home I proposed to her."

I feel myself start to get giddy. I love weddings. "Can I come to the wedding?" I ask excitedly and he raises an eyebrow.

"I was going to invite you all anyways so yes you can." He looks off, "her daughter is going to be the flower girl and my nephew is going to be the page boy I'm very excited."

I love seeing buff men get all giddy.

Eugene was the only one left and we all look over to him.

"I like someone in the company and I don't know how to tell them." He says sheepishly.

"Ah. Well that's a tricky one."

"Tricky indeed." Julia grinned with a mischievous glint in her eyes.


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