- Chapter Twenty Two -

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"Favourite marvel movie?" Julia sighs out to me, sitting on her desk.

"Thor Ragnarok her and she nods. "Favourite beverage?"

"Matcha anything." We had nothing to do so we were just asking questions about each other. It's fun, I enjoy it. I got to know a lot more about her too. "Favourite tv show?"

I sigh out and look off thinking about it. "Teen wolf." I say pointedly. "What about you?"

"New girl." Good choice.

We continue back and forth until Eugene walks in.

"Hey guys, what are we doing?" He smiles suspiciously and Julia and I glance to each other, our eyes locked. "Uhm, Eden, there is a guy on his way up. He didn't realise there was an elevator, so he's going up the stairs. He'll be here in the next few seconds."

"Eden!" Sam bursts into the office. "I have thought it-"

"Hey, woah what the fuck? Get the fuck out of my office, dickhead." Julia walks towards him, keeping me behind her.

What? What? Uh, what?

"Okay- so I'm just... Good luck?" Eugene nervously chuckles and leaves the office.

I look between the two in front of me and I groan. "Dear god give me strength.

"Sam, why are you here?" I squeeze Julia's shoulder, telling her that it's fine.

"I wanted to set the record straight. I thought because you never wanted to be my girlfriend that if I ran to the arms of a girl who did, I would be satisfied, but that's not true. I love you Eden. I am so sorry I did this to you, I've had a problem for a while."

I scoff at him, "Of course I wanted to be your girlfriend, we just weren't consistent enough for me to feel confident in fully giving myself to you. The real reason I'm mad at you was because it was in my own house! In my house!"

"It was closer. If she knew I was rich then she would've taken advantage of me for my money." He justified to himself. What a shit justification. 

"Oh my god, shut up Sam! Was there really a reason or did you just need someone to be there for you when you were like this?" I scrunch my face up as his breathe hit my face, "Of course. You're drunk."  He shrugs me off but I realised he was slurring his words. 'I've had a problem for a while.'  starts to make a bit more sense than a random justification. 

Julia watches worried as his hands make their way to my hips and I look over to her panicked. "Right okay get your hands off of her?" She says confused by the whole situation. A bitter taste coated my throat and I grew light-headed.

"Eden, I am so sorry, I know you're insecure that no one would want you." He slurs his speech as he brings a hand to my face. 

I could feel my heartbeat fastened in fear but I try to shrug it off. "What the hell do you mean?"

"After all, nobody would want a girl who can't have kids. You're not valuable to them." This wasn't the sweet boy I loved. I start to panic, looking over to Julia who is looking at me with pity all over her face.

Seriously, dammit why the hell. I finally fight my way free and I push Sam off me. "You had no fucking right to say that. Get the fuck out or security will make you leave."

He looks at me and grunts out grabbing a glass and stomps his way out of the room. I sigh and slump into my chair.

"That was my favourite whiskey glass." Julia says concerned but gives up and turns to me. "You can't have kids?" I can't deal with this right now.


"I'm so sorry that he used your fear like that."

"Yup." I drop my head into my hands and whimper slightly. She walks towards me and crouches down in front of me.

"You are beautiful." she smiles at me and I bite my lip avoiding her eyes. "You are valuable. It doesn't matter what he said." Those words coming from her mouth made me feel happy. Even in my anger she could calm me down. The soothing feeling of being able to calm down. 

She guides my face to look at her and I let out a small sigh. 

"You are just saying that to make me feel better." I smile at her and she looks at me seriously.

I feel my breathe catch in my throat as she connects our lips. It was a slow kiss but it said many things. She pulls away looking deeply at my expression, "Was it not the time?" she says, panicked.

I breath in before I pulled her collar so she was jerked towards me. It was what I needed. She was there for me and in a way that could distract me.

I want to feel something in this moment. I need to feel something other than this.

I stood up and moved towards the office door, locking it. I look over to Julia and I bit at my lip as I walked towards her.

She smiles at me and I pulled my shirt off. "I want you to take my mind off this." I say and push her so she was lying on the ground. When we were in this position I felt the fluttering come back. This is most definitely a bad time but I don't think anyone's complaining. 

"Okay," she says quietly and unbuttoned her shirt. I smiled and ran my tongue over one of her nipples. She let out a strangled moan and she guided my hand to her other breast. Bucking her hips against mine.

I moved up to her lips and she took this opportunity to flip us. I moaned as the cold floor was against my back.

"I want you to be screaming my name by the end of this, love." She groaned and I looked at her and replied with a quick nod. I'm very okay with this.

My thoughts were crowded as I pulled my shirt back on. I had Julia. She had me a panting and sweaty mess and she finally let me out from underneath her.

"Uhm, well.." I say awkwardly as I unlock the office door. It was the end of my work shift. I move towards her and she smiles at me. "We have a meeting with the an agent for a case tomorrow. It's an important client so." I clear my throat and smile back at her before I pick up the rest of my things and began to head. She grabbed my elbow and pulled me against her chest.

"Why can't you stay longer?" Julia says quietly.

"A lot happened today." I chuckle nervously. She nods and kisses me one last time before I leave the building with a huge grin on my face.

I couldn't hide my excitement as I pushed through my front door and fell onto my couch. I don't regret today.

I feel great. It was freeing to finally have Julia for myself. To give myself up completely to her. I've never felt this strongly about someone.

I've not written smut before give me a break

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