- Chapter Twenty Nine -

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Julia's outfit (literally all of Julia's fancy outfits are gonna be from zendaya cause her style is so good)

Julia's outfit (literally all of Julia's fancy outfits are gonna be from zendaya cause her style is so good)

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Eden's outfit

Eden's outfit

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Eugene decided the date was going to be at a really fancy dressed kind of restaurant. He had a nice, navy blue suit on.

Julia had convinced me to go in a matching outfit. She thought it was cute so I agreed. She had a way of making me submit to everything she wanted.

"Hey guys, This is Grace." He says and introduces us to the brunette.

She chuckled nervously and holds her hand out for us to take, "when Eugene said we were going on a double date I didn't know it would be with Julia Manuel." She giggles and we melt slightly at the look Eugene gave her. "Isn't that crazy?"

Julia and I shake her hand and we're seated. We sit next to our respected dates and we settled into conversation.

I caught Julia staring a few times, my face grew warm.

We finally chose our dinner. "So how long have you two been seeing each other?" I ask as I take a sip from the red wine Julia asked for.

"A month now actually." Grace smiled and intertwined their hands. I felt my heart flutter at how cute they were. "What about you two?"

"Just over a month now." Julia replied, maintaining eye contact with me, "but it feels like we've known each other... forever." She smiled at me and I rest my chin on my hand letting that mushy feeling spill from me.

"Julia had actually asked me to be her girlfriend last week, actually." I watch Eugene's eyes grow wide.

"Seriously? Congrats. I was waiting for y'all to become a thing." The conversation died out again and the food came piping hot not too long after.

We dug in and I looked around to what everyone had ordered; I had a spaghetti, Julia had a pizza, Eugene had mussels in white wine sauce with some garlic bread and Grace had a steak.

The food was great and I thoroughly enjoyed everyone's company. "Have you heard that Diego's wedding is gonna be in September?" Eugene grinned.

"No, I didn't know it was so soon." Julia smiled softly and held my hand from under the table.

"I'm so excited to get to wear so many fancy dresses." I giggle and Julia kept her eyes on my lips. "For Julia's parents party and the fancy party for the fourth." I kept going. "This is the most fancy parties I've been to, like, ever."

"Yeah it's great working in elite industries. The things we experience. Cough cough, you two are especially guilty," he joked and Grace furrowed her eyebrows.

"Say what now?"

"I caught them multiple times. The first time they were about to kiss and then the rest," he shudders dramatically, "the rest I'll never get out of my head. Seeing your friend naked, on top of your boss is... something." Grace covered her mouth as me and Julia snickered at the boy in front of us.

It made me feel warm when Eugene said we were friends. It made me feel happy.

"So how did you two meet?" Grace says.

Eugene confidently started, "at a job interview."

"Nah, we met at a house party." Julia said plainly. Eugene's jaw dropped and I stifled my laugh. "She saw me, immediately started flirting with me and then we danced together and she basically gave me a lap dance. It was great." I shove her shoulder playfully.

"I did not give you a lap dance."

"I said basically."

"Gosh they already bicker like old people." Eugene muttered and the waiter came over to ask us about dessert.

Julia asked for her favourite, chocolate fudge cake and I just asked for gelato. Eugene and Grace ordered some cake to share.

It was a great night. I had a lot of fun, and this dress was amazing. Grace had on a navy dress that fit her body extremely well.

We bickered and chatted the rest of the night and then finally we left. We left the building and parted ways. I got to see a new side of Eugene that made me excited to get to know him more. He swore that we were going to dance really badly together at Diego's wedding.

It felt like I had a new family.

"So, how was tonight?" Julia said, tracing patterns onto my bare stomach. She had decided to take me to hers and spend the night.

"Tonight was amazing, Julia. I had so much fun." I said with a small smile. "I always want dates to feel magical and that came very close."

"Once all of these fancy events are done I'll make sure our next date is magical." She whispered. I love how sensitive she is when you get to know her. It was nice.

She was so loving and compassionate.

"Okay." I murmur and she sits up with a grin.

"Do you wanna try the strap tonight?" She grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god." I laugh and she pulls my legs to wrap around her hips.

"Come on," she said with a slight pout. I kiss her pout and pull back. "Think of how good it would be. It doesn't go limp halfway through and it feels so much better. Plus I'm at the end of it sooo," she lists and I shake my head at her.

"Maybe." I say.

"Maybe?" She repeats.

Welcome to our new character Grace.

" ———————————————————————Welcome to our new character Grace

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