- Chapter Twenty Six -

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"Julia, I'm leaving- oh. I'm sorry." I say as I walk into Julia's office. She was against the table with Cathy buried into her neck.

I feel a wave of sickness roll over me. Olivia peeked over my shoulder and gasped. This one really did hurt.

"Love, wait!" Julia said hurriedly. She pushed Cathy away and moved over to me.

I avoid her eyes, "Olivia and I are finishing our shifts now so we can go have dinner. I just wanted to tell you. You can continue." Of course I wasn't anything special. Just a girl to fuck.

"Eden," Julia said using her finger so she could lift my chin to make me look at her, "we were supposed to go out tonight."

I clear my throat, "well you obviously are busy so it's fine." I smile at her and she furrows her brows.

"It's not what it looks like." She said and I felt my face scrunch up, remembering Sam. She glances back to Cathy, "leave," Julia looks back at me and holds my arms. It was loose enough that I could leave her hold if I wanted to. I didn't want to. "Let me make it up to you."

"Julia it's fine I know we were no strings attached." I say, hushed so that Olivia couldn't hear us.

"There are strings attached, Eden." Julia smiles and kisses my temple. "I'm going to visit you later." She says hushed back. "I'll make it up to you." She repeated and looked at me with desperate eyes.

I reluctantly nod and pull away making my way back over to Olivia. The glare of Cathy was burning the back of my fucking skull.

I can't wait to hear her excuse. Or will there be an excuse at all? Will she just tell me to take a hike and that we were nothing? She was just playing me like a violin? Anxiety crept up on me.

I'm too invested to give up now.

"Come on," I tell Olivia and we start moving.

"So you and Julia are a thing?" She says while I'm fidgeting with my cup of some kind of alcohol.

"What? No!" I shout and then cringe at how loud I was. "No she wouldn't want me."

"Have you seen the way she looks at you? Of course she'd want you." Olivia smiles at me and I just frowned slightly. "You'd need to be blind to miss that she actually likes you."

"It's only casual..." I convince myself.

"Wait so you are a thing?" She grins at me. "Damn, get that money."

"But you saw her earlier on. I'm obviously not as important to her." I kept going.

"Eden, she has never shooed away a girl for anyone." She paused, reassuring me, "like, ever."


We finished our dinner and then parted ways. I really enjoyed Olivia's company. It was nice. She was normal and we could gossip about work.

Levin got caught with one of the other guys... you know.

I unlocked my front door and stepped in. I felt something was wrong so I glanced around the living room before feeling my heart sink. My fight or flight was on the verge. My hand reaches for the light switch which I turn on and freeze when I see that Julia's sitting on my couch.

"I got the key from under your other plant. You should hide it somewhere else, it's too easy to get to." She says casually as my jaw is stuck gaped.

"Julia why are you here?" I question.

"I said I'd see you later, and it is now later, so."

"How long were you waiting?" I clear my throat and watch as she shifts in her seat. It was attractive.

"Not too long. Maybe ten minutes." She looks around, "how was your dinner?"

"Good." I say small.

We fell into a silence until she stands up and walks towards me. Her hands intertwining with mine.

My face grew warm as she held eye contact.

"I'm scared of something." She whispered, skimming her lips over my jaw.

"And what's that?" I hum out absentmindedly.

"Us." She says quickly and I freeze again.

"Huh?" I pull out of my daze.

"You want a relationship. I'm scared incase I don't live up to your standards."

"You- we don't... you always live up to my standards, Julia." I splutter out.

"I'm scared because my feelings for you are strong. Stronger than anything I've felt before. Earlier on solidified that for me." She looks me in the eyes.

"Why was she with you in that way then?" I whisper back and move closer to her. "Wait hold up, you have feelings for me?"

Her breath was hot and I smiled as our lips met.

"Yes I do. Because believe it or not you captivate me, Eden." Oh wow that made me weak in the knees. "Cathy means nothing to me. She heard that you were coming and threw herself on me. I would never betray you like that." She traces patterns on my hip. "I promise you."


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