- Chapter Fifteen -

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———————————————————————I ran through my usual morning routine and bounced into her office prepared for any fuckery that might occur

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I ran through my usual morning routine and bounced into her office prepared for any fuckery that might occur. I wouldn't admit that it excited me.

We had a meeting prepared with the neighbouring law firm again and I was determined that she wasn't going to distract me this time.

"We have that meeting with the law firm about some cases in about..." I look at my wrist to check the time as I showed off my professionalism. "Two and a half hours. During this time I need to send some files to Olivia and you-" she looks at me unimpressed and bored, "have to do actual work."

"Love, I'm really not in the mood." She groans.

I roll my eyes and shove papers in front of her, "you should have thought about that before taking over the company so your parents could comfortably retire." Boom mic drop.

She paused and that scared me slightly, she had a hold on my arm. Her grip was loose but it held more control over me than I wanted. My feelings for her were slowly grabbing hold on me like a vice.

"I'm tired, love." My breath got caught in my throat, knocked from my chest.

Stop calling me that it makes me all tingly.

"I am too but we've got to push through-" I start but she cuts me off by connecting our lips aggressively. I relax into the kiss. Our lips move together as if they were dancing and that feeling I had been pushing down bubbled over. We fit together too well. Like puzzle pieces destined for each other.

She pulled away and I just stared at her, my mouth slightly open.

"Not in that way, Eden." She clears her throat and moves to her desk, regret plastered on her features. I try to hide the excitement it caused me and I just stare off into the distance for a few more seconds before I'm pulled out of my daze. My fingers immediately move to my lips and I press them against the soft skin, processing what had just happened.

"I- you?" I babble not being able to comprehend words.

"I'm sorry." She sighs out.

I come back to my senses and push my feelings back down, a sinking feeling replacing it. "You shouldn't need to apologise." I try to break the tension.

She furrowed her brows. "I shouldn't have done that."

"Oh no, it's fine I understand- it was a mistake." I frantically explain so I could beg that the shift I felt wasn't our relationship.

"Eden- you're not getting my point." She moved closer again and glanced to my lips, she gulped and traced her thumb over them. "You drive me insane. I can't bear to see you with him when I know you don't actually want him."

I pause and shut my eyes, sighing in response to her touch. What happened to simple?

"I do get it Julia... I just don't want to come to terms with it." I feel her breath fan against my lips and I pull away slightly. "I don't know what to do."

"Choose me." Pick me, love me. 

I lean my forehead against hers. At one point I feel bad for her but another makes me want her to truly feel that pain. "I can't." It comes out as a whisper.

She pulls away as Diego and Eugene walk in, puzzlement and confusion clouds their faces. I shake my head and they ignore what happened.

"Okay, we've got the car ready and we'll be at the meeting in an hour." Eugene smiles.

"Why is it so far away?"

"They moved the main offices because the one here will be merging with our building." I look at him slightly surprised.

"Woah, woah, woah, buddy wait a minute- ow?" ow! What the fuck? he flicked my nose. My eyes start watering up and panic spreads on his face. I see Julia jerk towards me but she stops herself. It made my heart sink that she didn't follow through but I understood.

"Oh my god are you crying?" He goes to comfort me and I just hold a hand out, blinking to compose myself and pinching my nose with my other hand. "I am so sorry."

I blink at him a few times and look at him confused, "It's fine. I'm fine. If you hit the nose your eyes will water. I thought this was a known fact?" I look between him and Diego who nods with me.

"She's right." He chimes in.

"Alright! Let's go!" Julia shouts and pushes passed us. Damn she's so moody when she gets rejected. Look at me. Rejecting two people I like; wow a track record.

We get to the car and it starts up, I stare out the window and tried to ignore the pair of eyes burning holes into the side of my head.

We got there and the meeting was relatively boring, Julia didn't try anything and I hated to admit that I missed her touch.

I have Sam- we went on another date last night. I owed him for making him sleep on the couch while Rey and Liv visited.

I feel my phone buzz on my leg and I glance down.

Rey: emergency!!!!

I curse under my breath and ask to be excused. I leave the room and answer my phone.

"Okay so I caught wind that Sam is bringing a girl to your place in like an hour or something- can we bust him? I know you're at work. Apparently ,he's been taking girls to your place cause they think it's his apartment." 

"Audrey, I'm sure whoever it was was lying. He wouldn't cheat on me and it wouldn't be at my place. But if it qualms you fears then sure." I was slightly curious so I'm gonna agree because I'm nosy and slightly insecure.

"Okay- if he isn't then I owe you whatever you want."

"That sounds great." I tease before ending the call and entering the meeting again, it was nearly done anyways.

We left and drove back home. I ask Barney to drop me off at my apartment complex and Audrey is already there waiting for me.

"You're late."

"The meeting was an hour away cut me some slack," I joke and move to my apartment. I unlock the door as slowly and quietly as I could and did the same with opening it. We move through the apartment to my room and I burst through the door pretending to act natural.

"See I told you Audrey he would... Audrey?" I trail off and sigh out as I look at him. A bitter taste caught in my throat as I saw the girl on him. The same girl from the cafe.

"Oh wow-" Audrey gasped as she walked in behind me. She raised her hands up and went for him, but I placed a hand on her chest stopping her.

Tears well in my eyes. In my own apartment.


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