- Chapter Thirty One -

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"Have you heard from her yet?" Audrey questioned me, dropping her fork onto the plate. The unexpected noise caused me to jump.

I shake my head. "Radio silence. Absolutely nothing. She won't even answer my calls or my messages," I whimper and let my head hang low, "this is my fault." I pause, "all my fault."

"Eden, don't say that." Her hands clenched, "none of this is your fault."

"I shouldn't have trusted her." I spat and pretend the chicken nuggets on my plate was her face as I stabbed it with my knife. "The look on her face when she saw us. I'm done with dating. I'm cursed. It never works out."

Audrey sighs and stood up. "come here," she pulls me into a hug and I break down into tears.

"It's been two weeks." I sob. Two weeks of nothing. Not knowing where she is, if she's okay, what she's doing- who she's doing! "We we're happy!" I wailed.

"I know, hun." This is embarrassing.

"The only thing I know is the info Sara gives me but even that is just tiny, tiny little bread crumbs because she's just as in the dark as me." I pull back and wipe the tears from my face. "And it's brown bread too. I hate brown bread." Audrey laughed at me which caused me to laugh as well.

We sat in silence.

Tomorrow was the day I'd give my key back. I'd pack up my shit from her apartment and shove the key she gave me underneath the door and say goodbye for real.

I had fell asleep that night with Audrey on my couch, scared to leave me alone for the past two weeks in case I did something. She had to go back to her place tomorrow, so we stayed up later. And on a bright note, her and Ethan got back together.

I let out a shaky breath. I unlocked the door and let it swing open. It was still kinda managed, except for the flowers I got her from the week before everything went down. Part of me wanted to replace them. Part of me didn't.

I made my way to her room and searched for my belongings, shoving them in a box I brought. Once I got everything from her room I moved to other areas. Finally I got to the fridge, our notes to each other still on the metal surface. Our to do lists, grocery lists, love notes, reminders. I felt my eyes prick as I pulled off a few from her that I thought about every time I saw her stupid gorgeous face.

My heart hurt. It was heavy. Everything felt heavy.

Maybe I will replace the flowers, tidy up a bit, leave a reminder for when she gets back. The food in the fridge would probably start rotting anyways.

Wouldn't hurt would it?

I take a pad from the fridge and write down my tasks. I began to empty her fridge, sorting the trash and emptying it too. I cleaned up her apartment, something she'd moan at me for doing.

"You're my girlfriend- not my maid," she'd tell me. I guess I'm neither now. No word for two weeks. How will I ever face her again?

I'll resign from work. That's it.

The door opened as I shoved the trash backs closer to it.

"Spring cleaning?" Sara sighed at me.

"It's summer." I joke.

She sits on the couch, messing up the pillows I just set up elaborately, "sure doesn't feel like it." She sat and looked at with me with sympathy as I trashed the old flowers. They were my favourite mix that the local boutique offered. "She isn't like this." She reassured me.

"Oh? Well, I wouldn't know. We barely knew anything about each other." I said bitterly. "I mean, she knew everything about me- I just never knew about her."

"It's difficult for her to open up." Sara said and we sat in silence.

"I'm going to get new flowers. I'll be back in twenty." I say and leave her apartment going to the boutique and getting the same flowers I get every time, except red dahlias were added. Perfect. I got back and added new water to the vase I got her before placing the flowers in. "Take care of them for me." I said to Sara bluntly.

"Mhm," she hummed and shut her eyes falling into a deep sleep. Something she's lacked over the weeks, constantly up and down from concern.

I wrote a note to both Sara and Julia and left, leaving my key with the notes.

"Eden!" A hand clamped around my elbow and I yanked away before pausing when Julia was stood there. "Please forgive me. I'll explain everything soo- why do you have a box?" She said and I stepped back in shock.

"I- you..." I struggle to get out. I walk away before she could say anything else to me.

My feet kept moving no matter how many times I heard her shout my name.

"I love you I'm sorry!" She shouted and I froze, the need to turn fought hard. I took a deep breath and kept walking. Not confident in my decision. "I'll make it up to you!" She begged from behind me. Yeah right.

She's always telling me that.

The rest of my night consisted of crying, sitting in silence, crying more and more silence.

I hate her.

I hate how she makes me feel.

Eeee sorry

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