- Chapter Thirty Nine -

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I slept in my old room. In the next few hours I'd be leaving for Paris. Audrey sleeping next to me with Liv's cot next to us.

I had been looking at jobs there while I sent my letter of resignation to Julia.

It took everything in me not to answer her calls or texts, but I read every one. Which probably made it worse. The heartbreak screamed at me through my phone. The betrayal and self loathing made my heat hurt. Rightfully so.

"Stop thinking about it. She'll get over it." Audrey sat next to me in the airport as I ignored another call from Diego. "Oh. Take it." She smiled softly.

I stood up with my phone and made my way to a secluded area as I called him back.

"Eden." His voice broke and I rested against a wall to keep me up. "Why?"

"They found the cure. I had to." I wiped away tears that had fallen. "I'm going to Paris. With my parents and best friend to save my dads life... I should be happy. But I'm not."

"We could've sorted something out, Eden!" He yelled and afterwards quickly went quiet. "I'm on my way to get Julia. Do not hang up on her she has been a wreck since you disappeared."

"Don't tell her where I am, please." There was shuffling before there was muffling on the other side.

"Who's this?" I heard her voice and my heart tightened. I can't do this. I let a hi out to tell her I was there. "Eden?"

"Mhm. I'm sorry." I whispered. She begged as I hung up and let out a strangled cry.

My first three months I spent trying to learn French. And in the first month I got into a job as a personal assistant in a fashion company.

The first month was the toughest. I didn't leave my new apartment and basically rotted until Audrey forced me to go to an interview.

"Hi, who are you?" The reception lady smiled at me as she spoke in English. They could smell the unculturedness from me.

"Eden McLaughlin. I'm the new personal assistant for the boss." I smiled and she typed in a few things.

"You will be working on floor five with a group of other people. The boss will buzz you whenever he needs you." I nodded and made my way to the elevator.

The reality of the situation finally hit me as I felt deja vu slap me across the face when I walked out of the elevator

"Hey." A brunente approached me. The more I looked at it, her hair was almost red. "My names Sierra." She extended a hand and I smiled and took it.

My heart skipped as she smiled back. Taking her other hand through her short hair.


"Pretty rare name. I like it." We stood holding hands for a second too long before we were both pulled out of our daze. "This here is Sofie. She helps with the boss's fashion. I help with finances and you will be his personal assistant. We will be a great team." She smiled again making my face heat up.

Not even a month in and my body was begging me to move on. Make a new life.

"Who's that guy?" I pointed to a guy sprawled over the couch.

"That's just Zack. He shows up every day and annoys us." Sofie explained and frantically grabbed fabrics to pin on a mannequin to figure out which textures went well together.

"Sup!" He threw me a thumbs up. "I'm homeless so."

"What?" I choked.

"I'm looking to bunk with someone but these brats refused." He wailed dramatically.

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