- Chapter Twenty Four -

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"I got us first class seats." Julia grins at me with the two tickets. She sits down next to me and rests her head on my shoulder. We're sitting in the middle waiting for the plane to arrive so I can go meet my mom.

I turn to her. "You don't have to come." I bite my cheek as she placed a hand on my knee.

"I know. I want to. I don't want you thinking we just have meaningless sex."

"We don't?" I joked nervously and she playfully slapped my knee.

For the past week she's been very touchy and needy. I mean I'm not complaining I just wasn't expecting it. It felt like we were a couple. I loved it.

She seems like a hump and dump kind of girl normally. So I must mean something.

We haven't really talked about what we are.

Fuck buddies? Friends with benefits? Possibly something more?

I don't think she really thinks of me in that way. Which Audrey has yelled at me about because she's about to meet my mom and possibly dad if he's back home.

"I like you Eden." She sighs and we stand up when we hear the instructions for our plane.

After a lot of gruelling hours we are now sitting in the plane.

This shit is fancy. Gonna be real.

"You haven't been in first class before?" Julia smiled at me as she rested an arm around my shoulders.

"Uhm no. I'm not the richest."

A few hours had gone by and we still had a couple to go.

I was watching a film until I felt a hand on my thigh. I look over to Julia who had a small smirk.

"Seriously, now?" I whisper to her and she nods.

She stands up and grabbed my hand as we made our way over to the toilet. This is a cliche I never thought would happen. There's not even anyone in first class with us she had it be empty for us.

I gasp quietly when I was pushed up against the door. "Oh my god it's cold." I giggle and she looks at me.

Something in her eyes changed. They were hungry and wanting. She connected our lips slowly, cupping my jaw as my hands made their way to her waist.

She nipped at my neck. "You are so gorgeous." She murmured into my neck and I bit my lip.

"Well you are too so-"

"Take the compliment." She pulls away with a smile. When I blush she connected our lips quickly again, "you're so cute." She pecks my nose and pulls me off the door. "The toilet was a bad idea." She chuckled as she unlocks it and we go back to our seat where she cuddled into me.

She put the arm rest up and pulled me on top of her. She kissed along my jaw and cupped my front, massaging it through my jeans causing me to breathe shakily.

I don't know if something happened but shes beginning to treat me as if I'm going to break. I need to talk to her about it eventually.

We arrived after the long flight and got a cab to take us to my parent's house. You wouldn't even know she had me begging on my knees an hour ago.

"My baby!" I hear my mom's voice chime and grunt when she collided into me. "Who is this?" She grins at me.

"Hi I'm Julia," Julia said nervously.

"Oh are you not the Manuel's daughter." My mom smiles at her.

Julia chuckles, "uhm yes, ma'am."

"Drop the formalities. I'm Fiona." My mom said and she led us inside. We entered my old room that still had my furniture untouched. "Julia you can stay in here as well. I don't want you having to sleep on the floor."

"Uh, it's fine." Julia scratched the back of her neck, "I don't mind sleeping on the flo-"

"No. Eden, you agree right?" My mom looks over to me.

I awkwardly nod and watch my mom's smile grow wider.

"Hey Eden, you're back- HOLY SHIT!" My brother walks in and pauses when he sees Julia. "There's a millionaire in my house."

"This is not your house, son." My mum says to him and he waves her off before grabbing Julia's hand.

"You are very tall." He shakes her hand and I feel something in my chest.

"Can you not freak her out?" I say hoping he would stop touching her. Julia looked at me with a knowing smile and I scowled at her.

"Mom, where's dad?" I say and we sit down on the couch. "Is he back from hospital?"

My mum grinned, "he's coming back tonight so you'll see him before you go."

After I caught up with my mom and brother, we had finally calmed down and were currently in my room.

"I want to take you out on a date." Julia said and I look over to her shocked.

"Nooooo... what? Me?" I point to myself and she nodded pulling me closer.

"I'm going to confess how much I like you. I like you a lot. I'm not just here for sex. I'm here for you."

"Oh. Wow." I cover my face with my hand.

"Don't do that." She says and gently pulls my hands away from my face. She pecked my lips. "You're growing on me, McLaughlin."

"Can say the same for you too Manuel."

I bit my lip as she kissed and nipped at my neck. I do like her. A lot. But I'm not good enough. I know she'll just leave in the end.


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