- Chapter Thirty Five -

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Julia's Outfit

Julia's Outfit

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Sara's Outfit

Sara's Outfit

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I stood at my door. I had this fancy dress on that I was given by Julia who isn't my girlfriend but is. We're cheating on her fiancée because technically it doesn't count as cheating... because they aren't actually engaged? But they kinda are which means me and Julia aren't actually together?

Fuck me.

Me and Sara haven't talked since. Some things are coming back to me and I think the same for her, making everything worse. She's going to be there today.

Julia doesn't know. Her best friend and her girlfriend had sex. That's a rough one to explain.

Deep breaths Eden.

I left the comfort of my home. The older car outside my house stood out like a sore thumb, like Julia whenever she stood outside waiting for me to pull her into the abyss.

My body clammed up as I made my way towards Barney and Diego.

"We chose you." Diego grinned and I pulled them into a hug. "Well actually, her parents chose us for you cause they wanted their own driver and security. Sad times." He held on to me and I brought Barney in for the hug as well.

"Pleasure to be your driver, Ms McLaughlin." Barney said curtly and I pulled back.

"I'll be closely following you throughout the night to make sure you're safe." Diego grins and I nod thankfully. "You're still coming to the wedding by the way."

"Thank you so much guys." I grinned back. This made me feel better about the night. The swirling pool of dread had slowly moved to the back of my mind as Barney drove us over to the venue.

We got out of the car and Barney stayed close as we entered the massive building. It was extremely well lit. Chandeliers hung and the room glowed a yellow.

Julia caught my eyes and she jerked her head to the dark hidden hallways. I froze staring at her outfit. It complimented her perfectly. Shivers ran down my body as my eyes raked down her frame.

"Diego, go mingle, I'm gonna go see Julia. Don't tell anyone," he nodded and moved to the catering area.

I quickly made my way across. As I walked through the hallway I looked around waiting to see Julia. A minute passed before I was pushed against a wall and soft lips connected with mine.

A whimper left my throat when Julia's knee slipped between my thighs.

"I've had to wait a week to see you." She grumbled into my lips and I panted heavily.

"Well I'm all yours now." I smiled and she smirked as a hand slipped into the slit in my dress.

"This will be fun." She raised an eyebrow and pressed against my hips, pushing her hand against my front. "I've missed your moans," she whispered into my ear and I let my head hang, scrunching my face up to avoid making any noise.

"Too bad you won't get to hear them today." I smirked to myself and she bit her lip. "Have to work for it."

"Oh really?" She said and pulled away, making me want to move with her. "Let's see how long that lasts." She connects her lips to my neck and I tilted my head letting her have more space. The urge to make sounds got to the point my body was screaming at me.

And then she knelt down, looking up at me with that mischievous look she always had with me. I felt the need to cry. My heart swelled as I traced my fingers over her face, slowly kneeling down with her.

This is the face I loved.

I searched her eyes and I knew every emotion and thought I was feeling was open wide like a book and she read every word.

She nodded and I pulled her close to me, pressing our lips together.

"I miss you so much." I whispered as I cupped her cheek. Her hand made its way into mine. "I hate this. I hate the thoughts I get. I know you two have had sex- and I don't care. As long as I have you," I sounded frantic realising this moment was a fading memory. I know she felt guilty as her face dropped. "I don't care." I repeated.

"What did we tell you Julia?" Kira's voice interrupted like an intrusive thought. "Come on." She came over and pulled away Julia, who never broke my stare.

"Eden, don't give up on me," she kept saying over and over again until she was too far.

I stared at the ground still kneeling on the floor. I let tears fall. My makeup's ruined now.

I felt the presence of someone else and I look up to see Sara. She sat down next to me and held my hand, bringing it onto her lap. I rested my head against her shoulder.

"Let's clean you up and go have fun, okay?" She rubbed my hand and let go of my hand to stand up. When standing, she extended her hand for my to take. Once I do, she pulls me up. "There's a toilet in here." She said and guided me towards the room.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Nothing to say sorry about." She said quickly as she fixed my makeup. "There we go." She guided me to a mirror and showed me. My eyes were still red and puffy but the makeup helped hide it.

"Diego is probably worried sick." I say to avoid the awkward silence to settle on us, but it didn't.

"Can we talk about it?" She said and played with rings on her fingers. "Can we talk about us?"

"It was a drunken mistake. I was heartbroken and needed someone. You just happened to be there." The words stung me and I refused to hold her stare.

"She loves you." She mumbled before leaving me on my own.


I left the room a minute after and stood with Diego. He smiled sadly as we danced and he took my mind off of her for some of the night.

A bad feeling settled over me as I felt stares on the back of my head. Kira and Sara both sat looking at me with completely different messages while Julia had her eyes on Sara and then me.


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